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MOU No.:M-011-18-00 <br />SCAG Project/OWP No.:275-4823.01 <br />MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <br />No. M-011-18-00 <br />BETWEEN THE <br />SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS <br />AND THE CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />FOR SANTA ANA ENVISIONING SUSTAINABILITY TOGETHER <br />(SCAG Project/OWP No. 275-4823.01) <br />This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU" or "Agreement") is by and between the Southern California <br />Association of Governments ("SCAG") and City of Santa Ana ("CITY"), for Santa Ana Envisioning <br />Sustainability Together, subsequently herein referred to as "Project." SCAG and CITY are individually <br />referred to herein as "Party" and may be collectively referred to herein as "Parties." <br />RECITALS <br />WHEREAS, SCAG is a Joint Powers Agency and a federally designated Metropolitan Planning <br />Organization (MPO) for Southern California. As an MPO, SCAG is primarily responsible for the <br />development of a Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS) for the <br />counties of Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Ventura; <br />WHEREAS, SCAG has also initiated its Sustainability Planning Grant Program ("Sustainability <br />Program") to assist Southern California jurisdictions in evaluating planning options and stimulating <br />development consistent with SCAG's RTP/SCS and the region's overall planning goals. SCAG's <br />Sustainability Program support visioning efforts, infill analyses, economic and policy analyses, and <br />marketing and communication programs; <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to its amival Overall Work Program (OWP), SCAG will be engaged in activities <br />and projects that will require certain technical, professional, or support services from time to time related <br />to its work regarding the RTP/SCS and the Sustainability Program; <br />WHEREAS, the CITY will update the CITY's Land Use Plan by locating and vetting key nodes for <br />economically viable and environmentally sustainable infill development, determine land use capacity, and <br />growth opportunities along key transit corridors ("Project") ; <br />WHEREAS, through its Sustainability Program, SCAG has awarded the CITY grant funds to pursue the <br />Project which supports the goals and policies of SCAG's 2016 RTP/SCS; <br />WHEREAS, the purpose of this MOU is to describe the responsibilities of the Parties, which includes <br />SCAG to provide funding for the Project; <br />WHEREAS, SCAG shall provide funding for the Project using grant funds awarded to SCAG as part of <br />Senate Bill 1 (SB 1) or the "The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017." SCAG amended its OWP <br />for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 to include the -SB funding, with said amendment approved by the State on <br />February 21, 2018; <br />May 9, 2018 <br />Page 2 <br />