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MOU No.:M-01 1-18-00 <br />SCAG ProjecUOWP No.:275-4823.01 <br />WHEREAS, on December 19, 2017, CITY awarded, and entered into contracts on March 16, 2018, with <br />MIG, AECOM and Placeworks (individually referred to as "Consultant" or collectively as "Consultants"), <br />respectfully, to perform the services required for the Project as identified in the Scope of Work, attached <br />hereto and incorporated herein by this reference in Exhibit "A.". The Tasks within the Scope of Work <br />details the services to be performed by Consultants to complete the Project. Copies of the Consultants' <br />contracts with CITY are attached hereto as Exhibit `B"; <br />WHEREAS, SCAG shall contribute a maximum, not to exceed amount of Three Hundred Twenty -Five <br />Thousand Dollars ($325,000) towards the total value of the Consultants' contracts to be used solely for <br />the Project, using State and Local Transportation Funds for the Project; <br />WHEREAS, CITY shall contribute Thirty Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Dollars ($30,570) towards <br />the total value of the Consultants' contracts to be used solely for the Project; <br />WHEREAS, CITY shall pay Consultants for services rendered pursuant to the CITY's contracts with <br />Consultants, and thereafter seek reimbursement from SCAG in accordance with Section 6 in this MOU; <br />WHEREAS, CITY's designated project manager, in coordination with SCAG's designated project <br />manager, will ensure the Scope of Work described in Exhibit A is performed and the required deliverables <br />are provided by the Consultants; <br />WHEREAS, performance by Consultants will begin on the dates indicated in the CITY's contracts with <br />Consultants and shall be completed by March 16, 2020; <br />WHEREAS, reimbursable activities by SCAG will begin on the Effective Date of this MOU and continue <br />until December 31, 2019; <br />WHEREAS, this MOU shall supersede and replace any previous agreements or negotiations between <br />SCAG and CITY related to the Project; described herein; and <br />WHEREAS, SCAG's Fiscal Year is from July 1 through June 30. <br />NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: <br />1. MOU Contents <br />This MOU is comprised of these terms and conditions and any attached Exhibits, and may be amended <br />only by written agreement between SCAG and CITY. Such terms and conditions may be subject to <br />change. The Recitals to this Agreement are also incorporated herein by this reference. <br />2. Scope of Work <br />a. The Consultant, procured by the CITY in accordance with applicable procurement requirements <br />and policies, shall perform the Scope of Work described in Exhibit A, in accordance with <br />applicable Federal and State requirements, including but not limited to the requirements set forth <br />in Sections 7, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of this MOU. <br />May 9, 2018 <br />Page 3 <br />