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PS5. Community Engagement <br />adequately consulted and considered in decisions that will ultimately shape land use changes In their neighborhoods and <br />corridors. <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />TASK 1. PEER REVIEW OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN <br />We understand that the City will be facilitating all community outreach meetings and that our role will be to provide materials to <br />support that effort. We will collaborate with staff to make suggestions about the outreach materials that could garner the largest <br />response or solicit feedback, they will likely be very different between groups such as the Neighborhood Wards, GPAC, and City <br />Council. It is also a priority of the City to identify ways to engage underserved or underrepresented groups in the City so that the <br />proposed General Plan changes are truly reflective of community sentiment and the materials produced will respond to that <br />approach. <br />PlaceWorks will provide a high-level peer review of the City's Community Engagement Plan that serves as an outreach manual to <br />communicate with the public during key milestones of the General Plan process. Peer review of the Community Engagement Plan <br />will enable the City and consultant team to make decisions about and fine-tune the public involvement process and materials to <br />be generated at various milestones in the process. <br />Review of the Community Engagement Plan and subsequent discussions with staff will: <br />® Identify relationship between the public engagement efforts requiring support materials and the General Plan Update planning <br />tasks. <br />Provide feedback on the stakeholders that should be included when gathering input for the effort, including advisory groups <br />(GPAG, Com-Link), special interest groups (Neighborhood Wards), and other community organizations and ambassadors that <br />could be consulted during the process for input or to help get the word out about meetings/workshops. <br />Identify what the City needs assistance preparing (e.g., meeting notices, flyers, fact sheets, agendas, announcements/notices, <br />memorandums, FACs, maps and posters, project website information) and who will be responsible for generating content, <br />printing, and distribution <br />m Establish protocols for who is responsible for preparing specific products (e.g., final review and approval of deliverables, <br />meeting materials, digital communications, social media posts, website content, printing, press release preparation and <br />distribution, etc.). <br />a Confirm communication and meeting format techniques (open house, pop -ups, town halls, etc.) associated with key <br />milestones and branding or messaging requirements to ensure products produced are consistent with established City <br />protocols. <br />Since community engagement Is an ongoing effort throughout all stages of the General Plan process, it will be important to <br />integrate key deliverables and milestones with the other PS tasks the City is undertaking concurrently. Review of the Community <br />Engagement Plan will clearly Identify timeframes and key decision points where it will be essential for PlaceWorks to develop the <br />materials that will be needed for various outreach efforts to maximize participation and transparency and to gain the feedback of <br />the community. <br />Deliverables: <br />- Peer review of Community Engagement Plan (digital memorandum) <br />- In -person meeting (or conference call) to review Plan and clarify refinements <br />TASK 2. CREATING CONTENT: OUTREACH MEETING MATERIALS <br />There are numerous types of meeting materials requiring review and approval by the City prior to sharing at an outreach event— <br />e.g., posters, maps, PowerPoint presentations, surveys, social media posts, email notifications, and handouts. Per the RFP, the <br />consultant, in coordination with the City, will create community outreach materials that will be distributed to local business <br />groups, religious organizations, residents, local schools, etc. PlaceWorks will prepare draft text that can be used for digital <br />notifications, and the City will post information about workshops and applicable Information on the City website and social media. <br />6 CITY OF SANTA ANA I REP 17-082: GENERAL PLAN UPDATE AND SUSTAINABILITY- PS5: COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT <br />