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MIG will provide five hard copies of the Draft Final (Administrative Draft) and one copy <br />of the Final document, plus a digital PDF version per the RFP. <br />Task 3 — This task includes two options, based on direction from City staff. <br />Option One — Utilized the example public realm plan to create a second Public Realm <br />Plan for one of the Land Use Corridors identified in Task 2. Where efficient and <br />feasible, portions of the second Public Realm Plan may be coordinated and prepared at <br />the same as the First Public Realm Plan. The draft and final products shall be the same <br />for the First Public Realm Plan and Second Public Realm plan per below: <br />MIG anticipates two months for completion of this task including one Draft Final version <br />(approximately 30-35 pages) and a Final document (approximately 30 - 35 pages). The <br />City of Santa Ana will provide one set of consolidated comments to the Draft Final <br />document within two weeks of submittal to the City of Santa Ana. MIG will return the <br />Final document within two weeks of return of consolidated comments from the City of <br />Santa Ana. <br />MIG will provide five hard copies of the Draft Final (Administrative Draft) and one copy <br />of the Final document, plus a digital PDF version per the RFP. <br />Option Two - Building on literature search, MIG will create a Public Realm Plan <br />Resource Guide and template to facilitate the creation of future public realm plans used <br />by Santa Ana City staff. This will include but not limited to eco-friendly swales in <br />parkways, a menu of corridor design features supporting walkability, biking, transit and <br />non -motorized travel, as well as landscape and design solutions that promote active <br />streets, a scenic corridor, and a sense of place. <br />Specifically, the Resource Guide will include a menu of images and descriptions for <br />hardscape design and materials, sidewalk pavement, streetscape furnishings applicable <br />for various land use intensities, landscaping (California -friendly plant palette), lighting, <br />LID best practices, wayfinding, bike parking, rest stops/benches, transit stop designs, <br />the integration of art, and other amenities that encourage pedestrian safety and <br />enhance the streetscape. <br />MIG will primarily utilize the reference documents that have been recently authored by <br />MIG for other municipalities, by creating new standards and guidelines that are specific <br />to the City of Santa Ana. <br />The Public Realm Plan Resource Guide and template will be primarily graphic with easy <br />to read bullets and notations. It will include custom graphics created specifically for this <br />MIG Santa Ana Green and Complete Public Realm (PS-3) 2 <br />25M-38 <br />