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Resource Guide, as well as select precedent imagery that is specific to Santa Ana <br />streets. <br />MIG anticipates two months for completion of this task including one Draft Final (20 to <br />25 pages) version and a Final document (20 to 25 pages). The City of Santa Ana will <br />provide one set of consolidated comments to the Draft Final document within one week <br />of submittal to the City of Santa Ana. <br />MIG will provide five hard copies of the Draft Final (Administrative Draft) and one copy <br />of the Final document, plus a digital PDF version per the RFP. The In Design native file <br />will also be provided to the City for future edits and use. <br />Approach and Methodologies <br />MIG has reviewed the Metro East Public Realm Plan as well as other documents <br />referenced in the RFP. The Metro East Public Realm Plan is an excellent document <br />published in 2007. Although that may not seem too dated compared to other city and <br />community plans, many changes have occurred in the planning and design of <br />stormwater control, green streets, complete streets, and pedestrian amenities that <br />necessitates a thorough update. <br />MIG has authored many of public realm plan documents that will assist in Task t. In <br />addition, MIG landscape architects and civil engineers included in this proposal, <br />particularly in our Seattle office, have led numerous green street projects for the City of <br />Seattle, Pacific Northwest communities, and California communities. <br />Many of these projects began as design guidelines and policy documents but more <br />importantly, resulted in constructed projects. This full -circle approach has provided MIG <br />landscape architects and civil engineers a complete and thorough understanding of <br />what works and what doesn't, resulting in a robust understanding of lessons learned, <br />which will be applied to the Santa Ana Green and Complete Public Realm project. <br />In addition, MIG landscape architects and civil engineers are sought-after public <br />speakers at a variety of conferences focused on green streets and complete streets <br />around the country. It is important for Santa Ana to have industry leaders that stay <br />ahead of the rapidly changing fields of green streets and complete streets. MIG <br />practitioners are industry leaders. <br />In addition, MIG has conducted a driving, walking, and photographic survey of the Metro <br />East and other corridors being considered. There are significant opportunities for <br />transformation of the corridors and streets being considered. Opportunities for <br />modifications to the Metro East Public Realm Plan and other corridors include the <br />following: <br />STORMWATER CONTROL <br />MIG Santa Ana Green and Complete Public Realm (PS-3) 3 <br />25M-39 <br />