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MIG has been leading the revolution in rethinking the design of American streets for <br />over a decade. As demonstrated in the MIG created and curated website <br />www.restreets.ora, MIG has gone well beyond Complete Streets and has been <br />designing and building streets that focus on sustainability, livability, and economics in <br />addition to accommodating the traditional Complete Streets mobility modes. Like <br />stormwater engineering and green streets design, MIG planners are national authorities <br />in creating complete streets that accommodate all forms of mobility. MIG understands <br />the trade-offs associated with design challenges such as reduction in lane widths to <br />create buffered bike lanes, or increasing sidewalk widths and creation of bioswales. <br />MIG's observation of the street designs within the Metro East Public Realm Amenity <br />Plan and our driving and walking tours of this area, and other street corridors being <br />considered, and initial review of other Santa Ana documents including the Complete <br />Streets Plan and Bicycle Master Plan, suggests that there are ample opportunities for <br />better accommodation of all modes of traffic. <br />DESIGN AMENITIES <br />As requested in the RFP, a public realm plan that identifies design solutions related to <br />hardscape designs, art, landscape and trees, benches, street and pedestrian lighting, <br />bike racks, and activating the street are a key. MIG will provide expertise and <br />recommendation for a variety of design amenities for the public realm plans to be <br />developed. <br />Special Suggestions/Concerns <br />MIG does not anticipate or have any special suggestions or concerns other than those <br />outlined in the above approach, which are typical for any complete streets and urban <br />greening project. <br />MIG Santa Ana Green and Complete Public Realm (PS-3) 5 <br />