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Management and control of stormwater in urban areas has seen significant change in a <br />decade. Requirements for storm water control have become more restrictive and <br />regulated, which thankfully has led to an overall improvement in the water quality of our <br />water bodies. While requirements are imposed by the State of California, Santa Ana <br />also has requirements. However, despite more regulations, there are also more <br />opportunities for funding of stormwater improvements from Federal, State and Local <br />sources. As an example of this, many cities are reducing excess hndscape including <br />asphalt, for increased direct stormwater infiltration into soils. This not only <br />improvements stormwater quality before it enters water bodies and aquifers, it also <br />becomes opportunities for added landscaping and green streets. <br />GREEN STREETS <br />Like stormwater, the greening of urban streets is a rapidly changing field that can result <br />in more attractive public realm and pedestrian environments, but can also strain city <br />maintence and operations budgets if not done properly. The science and best practices <br />of growing healthy trees in urban areas is a field that MIG practitioners are experts in. In <br />addition, knowing which trees grow best in each type of urban environment is essential, <br />as well undertesting the design objectives of each street, especially in Santa Ana. <br />MIG landscape architects and civil engineers understand the real importance of <br />subsurface growing conditioner and bring a thorough understanding of the nexus <br />between tree health, soil, aeration and irrigation, MIG landscape architects and civil <br />engineers also are experts in preparation of cost estimates and maintenance manuals <br />for municipalities. This full -circle approach will be key to creating sustainable and cost- <br />effective green streets in Santa Ana. <br />MIG will work closely with the City of Santa Ana staff to identify opportunities and cost- <br />effective recommendations for the greening of Santa Ana's streets. This includes but is <br />not limited to expanding tree planting areas in sidewalks with additional parkway <br />planting, creating bioswales within sidewalks and parkway areas, and removal of <br />excessive areas of street asphalt and replacement with rain garden and infiltration <br />basins. An understanding of subsurface soils and soil composition as evidenced <br />through existing geotechnical reports will be also be an important factor. In addition, the <br />creation of green streets within Santa Ana will be a great opportunity for education and <br />will incorporate interpretive displays that can demonstrate the benefit of "going green". <br />Parkway planting and bioswales can also feature design elements such as pollinator <br />plants that are both beneficial to the environment but also become teachable moments <br />for residents and school children. <br />MOBILITY AND COMPLETE STREETS <br />MIG Santa Ana Green and Complete Public Realm (PS-3) 4 <br />25M-40 <br />