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Financial Planning Workshop <br />Cost of Service Workshop <br />Rate Design Workshop <br />Preliminary results as presented in Workshop handouts <br />Pass-through adjustment calculator in MS Excel <br />Utility Survey (to be documented in final report) <br />Benchmarking Results (to be documented in final report <br />Task III. Cost of Service Report <br />Stantec produces detailed and transparent documentation of our analysis. And the reason that we <br />spend extra time on our reports Isn't just for our clients; we also do it for our own peace of mind. The <br />final report to a rate study becomes a tremendously Important legal document that will play a pivotal <br />role in the outcome of any legal challenges that may be levied against the City (which is an increasingly <br />common occurrence these days). <br />We will first prepare a draft for your review, and once comments are received, we will incorporate them <br />Into a final report. The report provides a simplified and straightforward synopsis of the analysis, and <br />includes appendices that contain a series of graphs, charts, and tables that provide the supporting <br />details of the study described in the body of the report. The report will include a stand-alone Executive <br />Summary for distribution, which often serves as an effective communication tool with stakeholders. <br />As previously mentioned, our Report will include results from the utility survey, as well as relevant <br />benchmarking results. <br />In addition to the report, we will also prepare a Proposition 218 Notification (in English, Spanish and <br />Vietnamese). <br />N/A <br />Defiverables Draft Report <br />Final Report <br />Proposition 218 Compliant Notices (3 languages) <br />Task IV. Public Meetings and Presentations <br />Public support for rate changes depends on whether or not the public perceives the rates as fair. This <br />perception depends, amongst other things, on the clarity of presentations and discussions at public <br />hearings. Minor misunderstandings of the underlying rationale for a selected approach can cause <br />disproportionate dissatisfaction with the proposed rates. By engaging the Council at the beginning of <br />the project and then again in the finalization of the rate design will give these community leaders an <br />advance understanding of the rates and make subsequent public discourse less confused <br />Prop 218 Process. Stantec will assist the City with the rate approval process, Including presentations <br />to Council, preparing testimonies for rate hearings, and presenting at those rate hearings. The <br />presentations are critical not just to comply with Prop 218 noticing requirements, but also to generate <br />acceptance of the study recommendations. <br />City of Sarda Ana Cal'don la I Water and sexy Enterprise Cost of Sero Study <br />25B-30 <br />