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CV Strategies will assist staff in the preparation of the Prop 218 Notification letter, including having the <br />notification prepared in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. <br />Participation in <br />and general pu <br />Copies of press <br />Task V. Contract Kickoff Meeting <br />to six (6) meetings with staff, Mayor, Council <br />As requested by the RFP, Stantec will attend one (1) Contract Kickoff meeting at the City's Corporate <br />Yard, at which City staff will share contact information, safety and security protocols. <br />Contract Kick -Off Meeting with City Staff <br />Final Protect Schedule <br />Task VI. Project Management & Coordination <br />Mark Hildebrand will manage our project team, including scheduling, invoicing, and all meetings and <br />deliverables. We will invoice the City on a monthly basis and will include a summary of the tasks, <br />results and progress as part of each invoice. <br />Task VII. Midterm Review <br />Following the initial study completed In the tasks above, we will perform a midterm review in either year <br />2 or 3 of the implemented 5 -year rate plan. This will include an update to the revenue requirements and <br />a review of the cost of service and rate design elements to evaluate the performance at that point in <br />time. Should adjustments be required, we will provide the necessary documentation, including <br />Proposition 218 notices. The review will Include an addendum to the initial report. <br />Stantec's financial models will be highly tailored to the City's financial reports, therefore updating the <br />models with new financial data during the midterm review will be efficient and repeatable. <br />Task VIII. Value -Added Related Services <br />Stantec offers a variety of rate -related services that are included in our basic price proposal and <br />described in the text above. This includes utilization of our Utilitiwise database (see Task II.e) and <br />development of drought rates (see Task Il.c). <br />Our proposed team includes CV Strategies to provide translation services for the Proposition 218 <br />Notification. In addition, CV Strategies Is available to provide additional customer education or to <br />develop an outreach program. These services would be in addition to Stantec's standard (top quality) <br />engagement of Council over the course of the project. <br />Cly d sate Arq Calimda I water aid Sewer ENerprise Cost of Service study <br />25B-31 <br />Stmuec 12 <br />