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City of Santa Ana CDBG Scope of Work <br />Program Year 2018-19 (July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019) <br />Name of Organization Second Chance Orange County <br />Name of Funded Program Second Chance Crime Prevention in Santa Ana <br />Annual Accomplishment Goal <br />be <br />Schedule of Performance <br />Unduplicated <br />(estimated) Participants <br />Quarter 1: JUL 1 - SEP 30 5 <br />Quarter 2: OCT 1 - DEC 31 6 <br />Quarter 3: JAN 1 - MAR 31 0 <br />Quarter 4: APR 1 - JUN 30 0 <br />11 <br />Program and Funding Description <br />Program <br />contract period. <br />111 Low Income Partici ants 100% <br />Estimated <br />Invoicing <br />$ 17,500.00 <br />$ 12,500.00 <br />r$-30,-00000 <br />ur clients will be referred by aurcoIIaborative partners (Mercy House, Illumination Foundation, homeless service <br />roviders, police, probation, churches, and existing clients). All will be recovering drug/alcohol abusers who want <br />stay clean, avoid furtherjail/prison time, and return to their families and communities as contributing citizens. <br />Tents' needs will be assessed during our intake interview, along with their commitment to sobriety, and their <br />aitability for our services. They will then sign contracts specifying our expectations: they must remain sober, <br />)Ilow our suggestions, and pay it forward. After intake, our staff and/or volunteers will train, assist, and support <br />ew clients according to their needs. These volunteers include psychologists, attorneys, licensed therapists, <br />iedical personnel, educators, retired firefighters, CPAs, life coaches, and community services personnel. Those <br />,ho are ready to return to school will be assisted with college applications. Others will be trained forjobs. We will <br />lunch a job searches for clients who are ready to work. All will be mentored and coached at least twice monthly, <br />ionitored weekly by an assigned case manager, and trained in CPR/AED/First Aid as required, in a classroom <br />=tting. These services are offered to all our clients over a full one year period, while a few may be offered a <br />°cond year of help depending on their circumstances. We help parents get their children back by writing <br />=ference letters, facilitating transportation to the courts, and by helping them get jobs and stay on the straight <br />)ad to prove they can be capable parents. <br />usinesses, several in S.A. will employ our clients in varying positions with beginning wages above the minimum. <br />ome businesses also provide training. All clients are low income or poverty -level residents whose prior decision- <br />iaking has left them few options. <br />Chance Crime Prevention Santa Ana will: <br />Confirm partnerships with local homeless services to identify potential clients in the first month of funding <br />(Mercy House, Illumination Foundation, etc.) <br />Conduct training and cross training with Second Chance Orange County and partner agencies - within first 3 <br />months of funding so each party's responsibilities and processes are understood by the other and <br />communication is clear. <br />Identify a number of potential clients and complete intake process by the end of the first quarter of funding. <br />Identify potential Santa Ana employers. <br />Assign mentors and determine individual needs. <br />Continue to identify potential clients through last half of first year, and work with each individual, up to a total <br />of 11, to determine needs and launch services and employment efforts and or supportive services. <br />xrm#1WAI <br />