A) Rosoaroh - Perform research of records including
<br />utilities, other.agancy records as necessary to secure
<br />Information required to identify, iocate, and aocureteiy
<br />layout all existing utilities, improvements, easements
<br />and rights -of -way within project limits that may interfere
<br />with the proposed Improvements, The Information to be
<br />researched'wlli be, as a minimum, the following:
<br />1. Review existing utility and street record drawing
<br />plans.
<br />2. Perform utility"investigation/utility000rdinatlon
<br />and provide utility relocation r000mmendotions, if
<br />necessary.
<br />3: Perform field investigation and measurement to
<br />assess existing site conditions,.
<br />4, Provide a copy of all utility notifloatiohsand
<br />responses prior to first progress paylrl8nt request.
<br />B) Surveying - Perform a topographic ourvay aiong.the
<br />pipe alignment to Include the following:
<br />I. Provide Topographic survey using City standard North
<br />Americatr Da
<br />turn 108a,
<br />2. Provide one(1)-foot contours: based on City of Santa
<br />Ana vertical datum (NGVD SS')',
<br />S. Provide spot elevations at crltioal locations along the
<br />alignment To verify vertical control, check existing
<br />utilities, such as sewer manholes and storm drain
<br />junction structures,
<br />4. Survey flow•line elevat:lons of existing underground
<br />sewer and storm drain utilities crossing proposed
<br />pipeline.
<br />5, Provide spot elevation at all locations where existing
<br />utilities are potholed.
<br />6, Show surface features and visible indications
<br />Of existing utilities to include curbs and gutters,
<br />sidewalks, and other elements relevant to prepare a
<br />comprehensive topographic map suitable for pipeline
<br />design and construction.
<br />7. Establish street centerlines, right•of-way lines, and
<br />easornents from available record information.
<br />B. Provide the basis -of -bearing and benchmark
<br />information used for the survey and necessary for
<br />construction.
<br />C) Utility Locating/potholing - perform necessary
<br />research to Identify all existing utilities and potential
<br />conflicts. Pothole existing utilities to verify depth and
<br />location (assume 1.5 potholes), Measure and Identify In the
<br />potholing report the depth of pavement and base material
<br />at each location potholed. Provide all required traffic
<br />control and surface repair recessary for potholing work,
<br />Develop a preliminary design of the project site to
<br />review with City,stoff. An-eppeoximate 30% design level
<br />will constitute a Preliminary Design for this project,
<br />Preliminary design will Include, but not limited to the
<br />following:
<br />o Existing utilities
<br />• Existing pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk,
<br />driveways
<br />Permitting requirements
<br />Traffic Impacts
<br />• Easement requirements
<br />• Proposed pipe alignment and connections
<br />• Proposed pavement, curb, guttei,,sidewalk, driveways
<br />• Based on survey results and City Input, NV5 will
<br />design proposed waterand sewer Improvements
<br />Preliminary construction cost estimate
<br />` Schedule
<br />Final Engineering will include detailed engineering
<br />calculations, design, construction purrs, and engineer's
<br />cpnstrilotion cost estimate fortho project that will enable
<br />the City to advertise and award the construction contract
<br />for the project. Components of this task Include:
<br />A) Plan and Project Documents Preparations (75%,
<br />1.00%, and Final) - NV5 will submit one (1) set of 24•inch
<br />x 86-Inch and two (2) sets of 1i-inch x 1.7-lnoh plans on
<br />bond paperfor each submittal. Paper submittals will he
<br />accompanied by a C0 with scanned images (PDF files) of
<br />submittals, The final submittal will include one (1) set of
<br />24-inch x 36-ineh original signed/sealed plans on frond
<br />Paper, one (1) set of bid form, opinion of construction cost,
<br />and electronic files as described herein.
<br />City will review and return 60%plans with comments
<br />pertaining to required improvements for the project. Plans
<br />and project documents submitted as 100%will incorporate
<br />all comments. NV5 will provide a digital copy of the
<br />approved project plans in Microstation VSI and PDF to the
<br />City on a compact disc;
<br />B) Engineer's Construction Cost opinion
<br />1, Engineer's construction cost opinion and quantity
<br />takeoff (in MS Excel format) for use by the City to
<br />advertise for bid,
<br />P. Bid schedule/measurement and payment,
<br />