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explanation required from rate reports. For example, in reviewing the City's 2014 water rate study <br />report (1) there doesn't appear to be a justification for the per -unit charge for multifamily residences, (2) <br />the OCWD "pass -through" formula isn't explained, and (3) the recycled water rates (which are lower <br />than potable water rates) are not fully explained. While it is possible that all of these elements have an <br />equitable basis, there is insufficient documentation. And insufficient documentation is the root cause of <br />most successful Proposition 218 lawsuits. At Stantec, we are proud to say that we have been providing <br />thorough and defensible deliverables (ultimately the "administrative record" in court) since before the <br />San Juan Capistrano case made it the "new standard". <br />Finally, because we recognized that this engagement includes a mid-term review (Task VII), we will be <br />particularly attentive to developing financial models that can be efficiently populated with updated O&M <br />and capital spending data (as is part of the standard added value that we provide to our clients). <br />Scope <br />Based on our understanding of the City and the requested services, we propose to complete the <br />following tasks. The schedule in Section F and the Fee in Section H correspond with these tasks. <br />Task I. Water, Recycled Water and Sanitary Sewer System Evaluation <br />To initialize the study we will submit a data request to the City, Shortly thereafter, we will conduct a <br />Project Kickoff Meeting with staff to: <br />✓' Discuss key issues, roles and responsibilities <br />✓ Confirm study objectives and further explore project drivers such as revenue stability <br />✓ Confirm data requirements and discuss the data already received <br />✓ Finalize the project schedule, including key milestone dates and deliverables <br />Once all data has been received, we will review it in detail. This will include a review of master plan <br />documents, historical performance, financial data, prior studies, capital plans, budgets and service <br />agreements. Follow-up calls with staff will be made to ensure full understanding of all data received. <br />We will perform a detailed review of the data pertaining to the water, recycled water and sewer <br />enterprises. Based on our review of all applicable data, Stantec shall identify any cost of service gaps <br />or discrepancies between the existing rate structures, the projected maintenance, operations and <br />capital spending plans and the effects of drought and associated reduced water consumption demands. <br />This summary will also identify the strategy that Stantec proposes to use to address any cost of service <br />gaps identified. <br />Kickoff Meeting <br />Deliverables Existing Cost of Service Summary Technical Memo (print and <br />electronic) <br />City of Santa Ana, California I Water and Sewer Enterprise Cost of Service Study Slanlac 7 <br />