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In order to provide well-designed parking areas that <br />enhance the pedestrian experience and adequately provide <br />for the mixture of uses that may occur on a development <br />site, the following standards shall be required for all new <br />developments within the MEMU Overlay Zone: <br />3. Parking facilities (surface or structures) shall be located <br />below grade, behind buildings, and/or screened from <br />the main right of way and all active public areas, <br />except for areas designed for and devoted to <br />vehicular access, drop off, or valet parking. Those <br />portions of new parking structures that face a public <br />street shall include commercial spaces or other <br />pedestrian oriented design features at the ground <br />floor level. <br />Screening of parking structures along main streets <br />4. Parking spaces specifically designated for <br />nonresidential and residential uses shall be clearly <br />marked by the use of posting, pavement markings, <br />and/or physical separation. Parking area design <br />shall incorporate a separation of the parking for <br />nonresidential and residential uses, except that <br />guest parking may be combined with <br />nonresidential parking as long as the total <br />required parking for the development is not <br />reduced. <br />5. Driveways shall be a maximum of 24 feet wide, in <br />order to enhance the pedestrian experience, <br />except as required to satisfy fire and/or waste <br />collection requirements. A maximum of one curb <br />cut shall be permitted for each parcel with up <br />to 150 feet of street frontage. <br />Development sites exceeding 150 feet of street <br />frontage shall be permitted a maximum of two <br />curb cuts. Three curb cuts shall be permitted only <br />if a separate residential entrance is required. <br />