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5.0 Design Principles <br />The MEMU Overlay Zone establishes qualitative design principles that will be used by Staff and decision makers in <br />evaluating proposed projects. This section establishes qualitative design standards intended to guide the developer to <br />achieve the image and design desired for the Metro East Overlay Zone. Staff and decision makers will use these <br />principles to review proposed development projects and determine their approval based on the extent to which the <br />plans address the intent of the City for the area as part of the MEMU Overlay Zone Site Plan Review process. <br />Architectural/massing variety <br />5.1 INTEGRATED DESIGN <br />The design of buildings, <br />other structures or elements <br />integrated theme. <br />signs, landscaping, and <br />shall feature a unified and <br />5.2 ARCHITECTURAL QUALITY <br />Projects shall utilize materials, window and door <br />systems, hardscape, softscape, and water features, and <br />architectural details and components throughout that <br />convey a distinct sense of endurance and quality. <br />5.3 ARCHITECTURAL VARIETY <br />Projects shall utilize architectural means such as <br />varied massing, breaks in plane, a diverse palette of <br />high-quality materials, and changes in form, proportion <br />and detail, as well as a variety of unit types to create <br />variety and differentiation between and within project <br />In order to further promote variety and interest within the <br />project as a whole, the use of more than one architect is <br />required for projects on development sites with an area <br />that exceeds two (2) acres. This requirement can be met <br />by compliance with any one of the following as approved <br />by the Planning Manager at the time of the initial Site Plan <br />Review: <br />a. Architectural design is completed by two different <br />firms <br />b. Architectural design is peer reviewed by a second <br />architectural firm <br />c. Architectural design is completed by different <br />studios within one architectural firm <br />d. Applicant conducts an architectural design <br />workshop with City staff in the early phase of <br />design <br />24 <br />