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Contrasting colors and materials <br />d. Street facing facades shall be integrated with public <br />plazas, mini parks, outdoor dining, and other <br />pedestrian -oriented amenities where feasible. <br />Street -facing ground floor elements <br />5.6 GROUND FLOOR USES <br />a. Ground floor commercial or retail uses oriented to the <br />street shall provide primary pedestrian access directly <br />from the adjacent public street frontage. <br />b. Ground floor commercial or retail uses oriented to the <br />street shall incorporate the use of overhangs, awnings, <br />or trellis work for at least 60 percent of the frontage. <br />5.7 COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS <br />Project site plans shall create community connections <br />and linkages between developments within the various <br />Districts within the MEMU Overlay Zone area, as well as <br />facilitate comfortable and visually interesting pedestrian <br />and bicycle movements. <br />a. Pedestrian- and sidewalk -oriented buildings. <br />Projects as a whole, as well as individual building <br />components, shall reinforce activity and pedestrian <br />scale along adjacent sidewalks through the use of <br />active building entries and frontages, and/or <br />publicly accessible open space fronting the streets. <br />