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Street -facing building elements and massing <br />5.4 MASSING <br />a. In general, project massing should be broken down <br />into discrete building elements and components that <br />reinforce a continuous street -facing urban block <br />pattern. This pattern should be broken by intervening <br />the required publicly accessible open space areas. See <br />Section 4.5. <br />b. Within this block pattern, individual buildings shall <br />be massed such that individual building planes or <br />architectural masses do not exceed one -hundred -fifty <br />(150) feet in length. <br />c. The design of buildings shall incorporate a variety of <br />massing and forms to introduce variety at the ground <br />plane and skyline of the project. <br />5.5 FACADES <br />a. Street facing facades shall be architecturally enhanced <br />through the use of arcades, colonnades, recessed <br />entrances, window details, bays, variation in building <br />materials, and other details such as cornices and <br />contrasting colors. <br />b. Building step backs at the upper level of buildings <br />along public rights -of -ways in the Neighborhood <br />Transitional, Village Center, and Active Urban Districts <br />shall be provided as a means to provide building <br />articulation. <br />The building articulation may include private/ <br />common open space terraces or roof decks. The <br />minimum upper level setback area shall be 10 Ft <br />wide (parallel to the building fa4ade) by 6 Ft deep. <br />c. Buildings facades shall be articulated through the use <br />of separated wall surfaces, contrasting colors and <br />materials, variations in building setbacks, and <br />attractive window fenestrations. <br />