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7.0 Compatibility/ <br />rational Standards <br />The following standards are intended to ensure <br />the compatibility of the mix of residential and <br />nonresidential uses that may occur within one building or <br />on a development site in the MEMU Overlay Zone. These <br />standards are intended to mitigate the potential impacts <br />that may occur as a result of the interface between <br />nonresidential and residential uses within one project. <br />7.3 LOADING AND UNLOADING <br />Every building involving the receipt or distribution by <br />vehicle of materials or merchandise incidental to carrying <br />on such activity shall provide adequate area for the <br />loading and unloading of vehicles, include moving vans, <br />garbage trucks, and other delivery vehicles. <br />residential uses on top <br />7.1 SECURITY <br />Residential units shall be designed to ensure the security <br />of residents through the provision of secured entrances <br />and exits that are separate from the nonresidential uses <br />and are directly accessible to parking areas. <br />Nonresidential and residential uses shall not have <br />common entrances that provide direct access to <br />residential units. The separation of entrances shall be <br />shown on the development plan and the separations shall <br />be permanently maintained. <br />7.2 RESTRICTION ON ACTIVITIES <br />Commercial uses shall be designed and operated, <br />and hours of operation limited, so that neighboring <br />residents are not exposed to offensive noise, especially <br />from traffic, trash collection, routine deliveries, or late <br />night activity. There shall be no loading or unloading of <br />trucks between the hours of 9:00 P.M. and 9:00 A.M. <br />7.4 VIBRATIONS AND ODORS <br />No use, activity, or process shall produce vibrations or <br />noxious odors that are perceptible without instruments by <br />the average person at the property lines of the site or <br />within the interior of residential units on the site. <br />7.5 LIGHTING <br />Outdoor lighting associated with commercial uses <br />shall not adversely impact surrounding residential uses, <br />but shall provide sufficient illumination for access and <br />security purposes consistent with the lighting standards <br />in Chapter 8 of the SAMC (Security Ordinance). <br />7.6 WINDOWS <br />Residential windows shall not directly face loading areas <br />and docks. To the extent windows of residential units <br />face each other, the windows shall be offset to maximize <br />30 <br />