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8.0 hDiementati®n <br />This Division includes development Standards and <br />design principles that are designed to work in concert to <br />facilitate the vision for the long-term development of <br />the MEMU Overlay Zone. Successful implementation <br />of this Division requires effective and coordinated <br />administration of these required standards and <br />principles by professional staff on a cooperative basis <br />with developers and property owners with the goal of <br />expediting the entitlement/permit process for projects <br />consistent with the plan. <br />8.1 MEMU SITE PLAN REVIEW BY PLANNING <br />COMMISSION <br />A. Any application fordevelopment subjectto the provisions <br />of the MEMU Overlay Zone shall require filing an <br />application with the Planning Manager for approval of a <br />MEMU Site Plan Review by the Planning Commission. <br />The application and development plan shall contain the <br />materials outlined in the Planning Division's <br />Development Review Committee Checklist which <br />includes but is not limited to the following materials <br />that shall demonstrate conformance with the <br />provisions of this section and other required sections of <br />the SAMC: <br />1. A site plan consisting of architectural drawings or <br />sketches and plot plans, all to a workable scale and <br />fully dimensioned, showing the elevations of the <br />proposed building or structure, off-street parking <br />and other physical features such as trees, hydrants, <br />poles, and other installations, and any other such <br />information as determined necessary by the Planning <br />Manager to fully evaluate any requirement of a <br />building permit. <br />2. A landscape design plan, pursuant to the <br />requirements of Section 41-1507, showing fully <br />dimensioned private, common, and public open <br />space areas. <br />3. A master sign program, pursuant to the <br />requirements of Section b. <br />B. Upon receipt of a MEMU Site Plan Review application, <br />the same shall be reviewed by City staff to <br />determine conformance with the provisions of the <br />MEMU Overlay Zone and referred to the Planning <br />Commission for review and recommendations. The <br />Planning Commission shall review said plans for the <br />purpose of ensuring that buildings, structures, and <br />grounds will be in keeping with the compatibility <br />standards and design principles of this division, and <br />will not be detrimental to the harmonious <br />development of the city or impair the desirability <br />of investment or occupation in the MEMU Overlay <br />Zone. Depending on the level of conformance with the <br />findings of the MEMU Overlay Zone, the Planning <br />Commission may take any of the following actions: <br />1. Approve the development plan <br />2. Approve the development plan with conditions <br />3. Deny the development plan <br />8.2 FINDINGS FOR GRANTING A MEMU <br />OVERLAY ZONE SITE PLAN REVIEW <br />APPROVAL <br />The Planning Commission may grant a MEMU Overlay <br />Zone Site Plan Review approval subject to finding the <br />following: <br />a. That the proposed development plan is consistent <br />with and will further the objectives outlined in <br />Section 1.2 for the MEMU Overlay Zone. <br />b. That the proposed development plan is consistent <br />with the development standards specified in Section <br />4 of the MEMU Overlay Zone. <br />c. That the proposed development plan is designed to <br />be compatible with adjacent development in terms <br />of similarity of scale, height, and site configuration <br />and otherwise achieves the objectives of the Design <br />Principles specified in Section 5 of the MEMU <br />Overlay Zone. <br />d. That the land use uses, site design, and operational <br />considerations in the proposed development plan <br />have been planned in a manner that will result in a <br />compatible and harmonious operation as specified <br />in Section 7 of the MEMU Overlay Zone. <br />8.3 CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS, VARIANCES <br />AND MINOR EXCEPTIONS <br />Conditional use permits, variances and minor exceptions <br />in the MEMU Overlay Zone shall be processed and <br />considered pursuant to SAMC Chapter 41, Article 5. <br />