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AGENDAITEMS <br />1. Approval of Minutes from the March 13, 2018 Meeting <br />2. Approval of Minutes from the May 8, 2018 Meeting <br />3. Update on Police Officer Recruitment and Hiring— Manager Robert Carroll <br />Manager Carroll presented the Council Committee with an update on Police Officer hiring, <br />by reviewing the number of vacancies compared to filled positions year-to-date, as well as <br />the number of additional officers projected to be hired the remainder of 2018. Additionally, <br />Manager Carroll discussed recruitment efforts by reviewing recruitment events that have <br />occurred year-to-date, as well as the events scheduled through the end of 2018. Manager <br />Carroll also gave a detailed overview of staffing averages for the City, the average tenure <br />of sworn staff and the number of officers who are out due to on -duty injuries. <br />The Council Committee shared dialogue with Staff about recruitinent/retainment efforts, <br />asked questions and offered support of recruitment efforts. <br />ACTION <br />Chairman Tinajero asked that staff look at Fresno Police Department as an opportunity for <br />lateral officer recruitment. <br />4. Update Regarding Potential Revisions to SAMC 10-153 (Loud and Raucous Noise) — <br />Assistant City Attorney <br />Assistant City Attorney Tamara Bogosian provided the Council Committee with options <br />for their consideration regarding the Loud and Raucous Noise Ordinance (SAMC 10-153), <br />as requested after last meeting's discussion about the recommended revisions. Tamara also <br />provided and explained options for defining "subsequent" responses and shared the steps <br />taken in compiling these revisions. <br />