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5. Verbal Update on Policing Philosophy & Chief's 5 -Year Strategic Plan — Chief <br />Valentin <br />Chief Valentin provided a verbal update on both the Chiefs Policing Philosophy and 5 - <br />Year Strategic Plan initiatives and the progress made so far. Chief Valentin gave an <br />overview of the established committees, scheduled community input meetings and targeted <br />dates of publication for each initiative. <br />6. Summary of Fourth of July Operational Period Activity — Chief Valentin <br />Chief Valentin shared a summary of the Police Department's approach in addressing <br />fireworks and activity for the Fourth of July holiday, stating it was a two-pronged approach <br />focusing on education and enforcement. Chief Valentin provided the number of outreach <br />events, calls for service and enforcement, comparing them to last year's totals. <br />Additionally, Chief Valentin provided a summary of an officer's injury that occurred upon <br />responding to assist in securing OCFA on scene of an injury. <br />7. Homelessness Update — Hafsa Kaka, Homeless Services Manager {Strategic Plan <br />Goal No. 5, 3d & No. 1, le) <br />Homeless Services Manager Hafsa Kaka presented the Council Committee with an <br />overview of recent projects that have taken place to address homelessness: Quality of Life <br />Team (QOLT) and Santiago Creek Clean -Up. Additionally, Hafsa provided an update on <br />the Orange County Needle Exchange Program and on Judge Carter and his involvement in <br />addressing homelessness in the City. Lastly, Hafsa shared the ongoing general homeless <br />services efforts taking place. <br />8. Application for Needle Exchange Program (OCNEP) — Chief Valentin <br />Chief Valentin provided the Council Committee insight, in addition to the information <br />Hafsa provided, regarding the Orange County Needle Exchange Program's (OCNEP) <br />application for certification for mobile syringe exchange services. He shared his concerns <br />about the Program's needle distribution, while stating that he, and other local police chiefs, <br />opposed the Program's reimplementation. <br />4 <br />