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Analysis for Existing Traffic Conditions <br />After obtaining the pertinent traffic data, the level of service (LOS) of traffic operations at study intersections and <br />roadway segments will be analyzed for the existing conditions and existing -with -project conditions. The LOS analysis for <br />both intersections and roadway segments will be performed in accordance with City guidelines. IBI Group has assumed <br />that this work scope and analysis would be initiated following City adoption of new VMT thresholds and analysis <br />procedures, which would reduce or eliminate the intersection LOS analysis required for the EIR. Instead, intersection <br />analysis would be focused on areas with greater forecast land use changes to facilitate city planning for roadway <br />improvements as part of the city's traffic fee program. Based on this assumption, IBI Group has scoped to analyze up to <br />40 study intersections and 60 study roadway segments for this analysis. <br />For purposes of the development of the scope of work and budget for the traffic study, data collection has been <br />assumed to be needed on up to 50 roadway segments (24-hour traffic counts) and 30 intersections (2 -hour AM and 2 - <br />hour PM peak period turning movement counts) for the typical weekday. It Is assumed that some of the traffic count <br />data from the Circulation Element work can be reused. IBI Group will work with City staff to determine specifically <br />when and where new counts should be completed, as well as the availability of count data for other locations to be <br />included in the analysis. <br />IBI Group will also develop estimates of VMT based on existing land uses. This effort will be developed in part using the <br />OCTA or SCAG regional travel demand models. At the outset of the assignment, IBI Group will work with the city and <br />OCTA to determine the most appropriate model to use for developing VMT forecasts. As part of the VMT analysis, daily <br />VMT forecasts will be developed for the existing -no -project conditions. <br />The Existing Conditions Analysis will be conducted for the No Project, With Project, and Modified Project Alternative <br />scenarios. <br />Forecast Buildout Traffic Volumes and Circulation <br />Using the land use forecasts for General Plan buildout conditions provided by the City, IBI Group will develop future <br />traffic forecasts for the city's roadway network. Future traffic forecasts will be developed using the latest available <br />version of the OCTA regional model, in coordination with OCTA staff. IBI Group will provide model inputs for new socio- <br />economic data that would correspond to the planned land use changes in order for OCTA to conduct model runs. The <br />model forecasts will be used to generate traffic volume forecasts along major roadways within the study area and to <br />identify changes to VMT for trips generated within the city for use in the environmental review. We have assumed that <br />all modeling efforts will be completed using OCTAM 4.0, OCTA's regional travel demand model and that modeling will <br />be completed by OCTA. Should OCTA decline to conduct model runs and require IBI to conduct the modeling effort, <br />revisions to this scope and the associated budget would be required to account for this effort. This scope of work also <br />does not assume the development of a city -specific travel demand model as part of this effort. All modeling efforts will <br />be conducted using OCTAM. <br />It is assumed that the following land use and roadway network scenarios would be modeled for the traffic study: <br />• Year 2040 No Project— Existing General Plan/Socio-Economic Forecasts <br />• Year 2040 With Project <br />• Year 2040 With Modified Project Alternative <br />This task will involve a complete description of the proposed land use changes in the General Plan for the Project and <br />Modified Project Alternative, including any special transportation needs or considerations. The anticipated land use <br />October 17, 2018 Page 2 <br />
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