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changes will be used to develop socio-economic data forecasts to incorporate into the OCTA model to develop project <br />trip generation forecasts for the weekday peak hour and daily trip volumes. The model forecasts will be used to <br />account for mode split and interaction between adjacent land uses. <br />For both alternatives, IBI Group will post -process forecast intersection volumes using a procedure based on the <br />Transportation Research Board methodology to generate forecast turning movements at intersections. Post -processing <br />refines the model link level forecasts to produce reasonable turning movement volumes at the intersections. <br />VMT forecasts for the General Plan buildout condition and no -project buildout condition will be developed using the <br />OCTA regional model. IBI Group will also provide PlaceWorks with the socio-economic data from the model used in the <br />development of the traffic and VMT forecasts for TAZs in the City of Santa Ana. If the information is available from the <br />regional model, IBI Group will also provide fleet mix for the VMT results. <br />Analysis for Future Forecast Traffic Conditions <br />After obtaining the pertinent traffic data, the level of service (LOS) of traffic operations at the 40 study intersections <br />and 60 roadway segments will be analyzed for the buildout traffic condition. The peak hour and daily volumes, lane <br />configurations, and controls will be presented graphically in the study report. The results of a level of service analysis <br />based on existing lane geometry and peak hour volumes for the existing -no -project and existing -with -project <br />conditions will be tabulated in the report. Intersection analysis will be conducted using the ICU methodology for <br />intersections under City jurisdiction. The appropriate methodology for other agency intersections (e.g., Caltrans) will <br />conform to those agencies' requirements. This scope of work does not assume analysis of future traffic conditions on <br />Caltrans -operated freeway segments. Should Caltrans identify the need to analyze traffic conditions for freeway <br />segments within or near the vicinity of Santa Ana, this scope and budget would need to be amended to incorporate <br />this work effort. <br />Traffic volumes for the three analysis scenarios identified above will be forecast for buildout year analysis. The future <br />peak hour and daily volumes will be presented graphically, and the results of the level of service analysis will be <br />tabulated in the report. Locations, if any, where the project is forecast to create significant impacts will be identified <br />based on the appropriate agency's thresholds. <br />At locations with identified significant impacts, IBI Group will identify specific mitigation measures to address these <br />impacts. The intersections will be field reviewed to verify the preliminary feasibility of the proposed mitigation <br />measures, and the resulting level of service at the impacted locations will be quantified in the report. <br />VMT forecasts developed using the OCTA model will be analyzed consistent with OPR guidelines and any established <br />City of Santa Ana VMT analysis guidelines. <br />Administrative Draft Traffic Study <br />IBI Group will prepare an administrative draft of the traffic study that will be submitted to the City for review and <br />comment. Fallowing receipt of comments from City staff, IBI Group will revise the document. <br />Draft Traffic Study <br />The draft traffic study will incorporate comments received from the City on the administrative draft and will be the <br />draft document issued for the 45 -day public review as part of the Draft EIR. <br />October 17, 2018 Page 3 <br />