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coordinate with the City's water utility and other utility providers (e.g., SCE and SoCal Gas) to establish the baseline <br />emissions inventory. The City's 2015 CAP identified that the City would re -inventory GHG emissions for year 2017 in <br />year 2018. If this has not been initiated, PlaceWorks will compile the CEQA baseline emissions inventory so that it can <br />be readily used by the City for the CAP monitoring. <br />Air Quality Management Plan Consistency <br />The SoCAB is designated in nonattainment of the National and/or California ambient air quality standards for ozone, <br />nitrogen dioxide, and particulate matter (PMio and PM2.5). The project's regional emissions will be evaluated for <br />consistency with SCAQMD's air quality management plan. The air quality impact analysis will also describe land uses in <br />the City that have the potential to generate nuisance odors. Buffer distances and/or control measures for sources listed <br />in the SCAQMD's guidelines will be incorporated. <br />Consistency with GHG Reduction Plans <br />The E I R will include a discussion of the GHG reduction targets of Assembly Bill 32 (AB 32), Senate Bill 32 (SB 32), SB 375, <br />and Executive Order 5-03-05. The GHG impact analysis will identify GHG emissions from buildout of the General Plan <br />Update. CARB has adopted the 2017 Scoping Plan Update to address the state's GHG reduction targets under AB 32 <br />and SB 32. Project consistency with the Southern California Association of Governments' (SCAG) 2016 Regional <br />Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy will also be reviewed, in accordance with CEQA requirements. <br />The GHG section in the EIR will discuss the City's commitment to reducing GHG emissions in accordance with the GHG <br />reduction goals of AB 32, SB 32, SB 375, and Executive Order 5-03-05. The City of Santa Ana adopted its CAP in <br />December 2015. The CAP identifies GHG measures to achieve a 15 percent reduction in GHG emissions by 2020 and a <br />nearly 30 percent reduction in GHG emissions by 2035. Since the City adopted its CAP, the state has adopted an even <br />more aggressive legislative target for year 2030. If the proposed General Plan policies are available at the time of the <br />analysis, the consistency analysis will identify potential General Plan policies being proposed that align local GHG <br />policies with the state. <br />Meetings <br />PlaceWorks Air Quality and Green House Gas technical staff will attend, as appropriate, the following meetings and <br />public hearings: <br />Kick-off meeting <br />3 progress meetings/conference calls with City Staff <br />1 Planning Commission General Plan & Zoning subcommittee meeting or study session <br />1 Planning Commission hearing <br />• 1 City Council hearing <br />Additional meeting attendance by PlaceWorks will be billed on a time -and -materials basis in accordance with the <br />hourly rates for the personnel involved. <br />Deliverable(s): <br />5 hard -copy administrative drafts of the Air Quality Analysis Technical Report <br />- 1 hard -copy final draft (and electronic version) <br />-- 1 electronic file, as noted in the RFP, of final public technical report. <br />1.3 Cultural Resources Analysis <br />Chattel will prepare a Cultural Heritage Resource Report (CHRR) in support of the City of Santa Ana (City) General Plan <br />Update Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR). The CHRR will provide the underlying evidence for the <br />October 17, 2018 Page 5 <br />