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record for the Cultural Resources analysis in the PEIR. The CHRR will address historical resources (built environment, <br />archaeological, and Native American) and paleontological resources. Chattel's architectural historians, historians, and <br />planners will prepare the sections of the report that will deal with the built environment and will also integrate the <br />archaeological and paleontological studies that will be prepared by specialists in these disciplines into the CHRR. The <br />CHRR will characterize existing conditions with respect to the current regulatory environment; historical, <br />archaeological, and paleontological contexts; and known cultural resources. The General Plan Update will be reviewed <br />to identify potential environmental consequences with respect to cultural resources. Avoidance and mitigation <br />measures will be recommended for any potential substantial adverse impacts to these resources, bearing in mind the <br />City's goal of making the General Plan Update self -mitigating. This scope of services explicitly excludes support for the <br />development of the City's new Historic Preservation Element. It is also assumed that the City will undertake compliance <br />with SB 18 and AB 52 and that any support for such compliance would be an addition to the specified scope of work <br />and associated budget. <br />• Project Initiation and Background Research. Chattel will attend a PEIR team project initiation meeting and will <br />prepare a data needs request to be submitted to the City. Background information gathering will include built <br />environment records searches utilizing a variety of sources: <br />— A records search conducted at the South Central Coastal Information Center (SCCIC) at California State <br />University, Fullerton; <br />— Listings in the most recently issued Historic Property Data File (also known as the Historic Resources Inventory) <br />maintained by the State Office of Historic Preservation; <br />The Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties; <br />Other designations that may not be included in the above sources (e.g., recent National Register of Historic <br />Places listings); <br />Results of historic resources surveys of Santa Ana neighborhoods, including (as available) those performed In <br />conjunction with Environmental Impact Reports and other studies; and <br />Other resources that may emerge as a result of research efforts. <br />The results of the built environment records searches will be tabulated and incorporated into a data base. Additional <br />research will be performed in order to prepare a brief historical overview of the development of the City. <br />• Cultural Heritage Resource Report. Chattel will prepare the Cultural Heritage Resource Report, which will include <br />Chattel's built environment technical analysis and will integrate the separately prepared archaeological and <br />paleontological studies (see below). The CHRR will include: <br />Project description and location; <br />— Regulatory framework; <br />Characterization of built environment historical resources, including abbreviated historical narrative and <br />description and tabulation of known resources; <br />Characterization of archaeological and Native American resources, including relevant contexts and <br />chronologies and results of records searches at SCCIC and with the Native American Heritage Commission <br />(NAHC); <br />Characterization of paleontological resources, including relevant geology, chronology, and results of records <br />searches; <br />Identification and analysis of potential impacts to cultural resources; <br />Recommended avoidance and mitigation measures; <br />— Sources; <br />Qualifications of Preparers; and <br />— Appendix (to incorporate relevant correspondence and other items as appropriate). <br />October 17, 2018 Page 6 <br />