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1.7 Fire and Police <br />The City's RFP requested a service level study for Fire and Police to support the General Plan update and the EIR. The <br />description included a comprehensive review of existing levels of service, response times, and goals, in addition to <br />identifying changes required to accommodate future growth. The RFP also requested that the study identify what <br />changes, if any, are needed to meet current standards (as a baseline) as well as examine changes in standards that <br />could be considered If those changes cannot be implemented. <br />PlaceWorks originally teamed with Matrix Consulting to conduct a comprehensive study to respond to the RFP. <br />Pursuant to subsequent discussions with the City, our scope of work and cost estimate has been revised and is now <br />limited to conducting the analysis of fire and police services as necessary to prepare a defensible, programmatic <br />General Plan Update EIR for services. PlaceWorks environmental team will conduct this analysis, and the fees for the <br />analysis ($5,200) have been incorporated into PlaceWorks' Task 2.4, Administrative Draft EIR. PlaceWorks' will <br />coordinate with the City's police department and Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) to document existing facilities, <br />resources, service standards, and basic funding mechanisms for services. Together with the police department and <br />OCFA, and based on the standards and growth anticipated for the buildout of the proposed General Plan, the analysis <br />will evaluate additional personnel and facilities needed to achieve desired service levels. Note that this information will <br />be largely reliant upon survey requests and cooperation from the respective departments. <br />1.8 Geology, Soils, and Natural Hazards <br />PlaceWorks will define the existing geologic, soils, and groundwater characteristics in the city, identify regional seismic <br />influences, and note and explain the characteristics of any areas with constraints to site development. Based on the <br />proposed General Plan Update, an analysis of project impacts will be conducted. Mitigation measures known to be <br />successful in addressing the various geotechnical constraints affecting proposed development areas will be defined, <br />including reference to existing geological and soils tests and plan checking requirements administered by the City of <br />Santa Ana. PlaceWorks will: <br />• Research and review readily available geotechnical reports and maps of the study area. <br />• Review in detail the available geotechnical report(s) and land use plan. <br />• Review readily available fault hazard studies and earthquake records to evaluate site seismicity. <br />• Review readily available groundwater data. <br />Deliverable(s): <br />— 5 hard -copy administrative drafts of the Geology, Soils, and Natural Hazards Analysis Technical Report <br />1 hard -copy final draft (and electronic version) <br />— 1 set of electronic files of final public technical report, including GIS shapefiles of future noise contour mapping <br />work products. <br />1.9 Biological Resources <br />Carlson Strategic Land Solutions (SLS) will: <br />• Identify Parcels Considered Open Space. The city's current inventory shows approximately 68 parcels totaling 688 <br />acres of park and open space. The first task is to confirm this inventory and ensure consistency between the land use <br />designations and the open space inventory. <br />• inventory of Open Space. A field biologist will survey all open space parcels using aerial imagery and visit only the <br />parcels where further investigation is necessary. The inventory will include a general mapping of vegetation types <br />and any noted biological resources, such as drainages. <br />October 17, 2018 Page 11 <br />