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Deliverable(s): <br />— 5 hard -copy administrative drafts of the Hydrology, Water Quality, and Infrastructure Report <br />1 hard -copy final draft (and electronic version) <br />— 1 set of electronic files, as noted in the RFP, of the final public technical report <br />1.6 Potable Water and Sanitary Sewer <br />Fuscoe will request, obtain, and review the most current water and sewer master plans covering the city, including the <br />2015 Urban Water Management Plan. Relevant regional or master plan documentation from Orange County Water <br />District and Orange County Sanitation District will also be obtained. Capital improvement project priorities and budgets <br />will be obtained and reviewed, including any planned regional water and sewer system improvements by the City or <br />loca I agencies. <br />Fuscoe will evaluate the existing water and sewer infrastructure systems in the city and accompanying master plans to <br />determine overall adequacy and consistency to meet the current General Plan buildout conditions. The report will <br />evaluate the most current capital improvement project priorities in the city for water and sewer improvements and <br />summarize improvements made over the past five years. Fuscoe will request peak flows from key OCSD trunk lines to <br />determine capacity in the regional sewer trunk lines serving the City. A summary of the existing conditions status will <br />be in the report, which will incorporate GIS -based exhibits showing water and sewer systems, including any OCSD trunk <br />lines. <br />Upon receipt of the preferred land use plan and maximum buildout conditions, Fuscoe will evaluate the impact of the <br />full buildout of the land uses changes on the water and sewer systems. Fuscoe will calculate changes in water and <br />sewer demands based on a locally accepted generation factors to identify peak sewer and water demands over existing <br />conditions and current General Plan maximum buildout conditions. Fuscoe will also work with the City Public Works <br />and Utilities department staff to determine necessary infrastructure improvements to support the future land uses. <br />The work will be coordinated with OCSD to ensure the proposed land uses are compatible with OCSD's trunk line <br />capacities. <br />The report will include CEOA-level impact analyses for all thresholds related to water and sewer. The report will identify <br />City-wide policies and strategies for reducing water demands, increasing water conservation, and promoting water <br />reuse policies consistent with local health care agency guidelines. Fuscoe assumes that the City will provide hydraulic <br />modeling of the City's sewer and water systems, if applicable, although this is not anticipated for the General Plan <br />Update. <br />Fuscoe will also attend meetings and participate in conference calls with City staff and team members to resolve <br />technical issues and will assist PlaceWorks with qualitative support for land use alternatives as requested. Fuscoe will <br />provide technical responses to comments from City staff on the administrative draft EIR and comments from the public <br />on the draft EIR, as needed. The budget assumes up to 20 hours for meetings, hearings, responses to comments, and <br />alternatives analysis. <br />Deliverable(s): <br />— 5 hard -copy administrative drafts of the Potable Water and Sanitary Sewer Analysis Report <br />— 1 hard -copy final draft (and electronic version) <br />-- 1 set of electronic files, as noted in the RFP, of final public technical report <br />October 17, 2018 Page 10 <br />
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