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• Calculate Biological Impacts (Optional). If any impacts to biological resources are anticipated from changes in land <br />use designation or other improvements identified in the General Plan Update, those impacts would be reported. <br />• Meetings and Coordination. This task assumes attendance at a kick-off meeting, and participation in conference <br />calls, as needed. <br />Deliverable(s): <br />5 hard -copy administrative drafts of the Biological Resources Report <br />— 1 hard -copy final draft (and electronic version) <br />1 set of electronic files of final public technical report, including GIS shapefiles of vegetation mapping. <br />TASK 2. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION (PROGRAM EIR) <br />PlaceWorks will prepare environmental documentation in accordance with CEOA, including the production of a <br />program level EIR. The EIR will discuss environmental effects in relation to their severity and probability of occurrence. <br />It will identify mitigation measures, as necessary, that are appropriate to a program -level EIR to minimize the significant <br />effects of the recommended General Plan and will include an analysis of alternatives. <br />2.1 Project Initiation <br />PlaceWorks will review available materials and reports (i.e., proposed General Plan Update), and our PM and assistant <br />PM will attend one project initiation meeting at the City to discuss the proposed project and confirm the project <br />approach, scope, and schedule. This discussion should include known issues and opportunities observed by the project <br />team. At this meeting, we will also ask City staff for their insight regarding the history of the project site and potential <br />environmental issues and controversies. Protocol will also be established regarding the communication between City <br />staff, PlaceWorks, and technical consultants. <br />Deliverable(s): <br />­ Attendance atone meeting (PM and assistant PM) <br />2.2 Preparation of Project Description <br />A detailed project description will be prepared and distributed. The project description will include text detailing the <br />project characteristics, land use summary tables, statistical tables comparing the existing General Plan to the proposed <br />changes, and figures to depict the proposed land use changes. The project description will set the framework to limit <br />environmental analysis to the incremental impacts resulting from changes between the adopted General Plan and <br />proposed update. Figures will be included to highlight the areas affected. The project description will also include <br />project objectives and required discretionary approvals. <br />Deliverable(s): <br />--- Electronic copies of the Project Description in Microsoft Word and PDF. <br />-- 50 hard copies of the Project Description. <br />2.3. Notice of Preparation and Scoping Meeting <br />2.3.1 Notice of Preparation <br />The City has determined that a full -scope EIR is required, so an Initial Study is not scoped under this task. PlaceWorks <br />will prepare the draft Notice of Preparation (NOP) and submit it to the City for review and approval. The NOP will <br />clearly identify the time period, contact person, and address established for submitting responses. After approval, <br />PlaceWorks will distribute the NOP and Detailed Project Description to the State Clearinghouse, Orange County Clerk, <br />state and local agencies, and other special Interest groups or individuals. <br />October 17, 2018 Page 13 <br />