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2.3.2 Scoping Meeting <br />PlaceWorks will assist the City in organizing and conducting one public scoping meeting to present the preliminary <br />environmental issues of the General Plan Update and to solicit comments regarding the scope and content of the <br />environmental issues to be addressed in the EIR. We will prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the meeting to be <br />reviewed by the City prior to finalization. The scoping meeting will be held during the 30 -day NOP commenting period. <br />At the meeting, we will be prepared to discuss the environmental review process and to answer specific questions, as <br />desired by the City. <br />After the meeting, we will prepare a summary of comments that will be included in the EIR, with reference to where <br />each comment is addressed or an explanation for why it is not addressed (e.g., not an environmental issue). <br />Deliverable(s): <br />— 1 electronic copy of the NOP in Microsoft Word and PDF. The PDF will be indexed and searchable <br />1 electronic copy of the NOC in Microsoft Word and PDF. The PDF will be indexed and searchable <br />50 hard copies of the NOP and NOC <br />— Attendance at scoping meeting (PM and assistant PM) and preparation of meeting materials (comment cards, <br />sign -in sheet, PowerPoint presentation, etc.) <br />TASK 2.4. Prepare Screencheck Administrative Draft EIR <br />An EIR will be prepared for the proposed General Plan Update. It will include the following sections in accordance with <br />the CEQA Guidelines: <br />• Executive Summary <br />• Introduction <br />• Cumulative Impacts <br />• Consideration of Significant Effects <br />• Project Description • Project Alternatives <br />• Environmental Setting • Other CEQA-Mandated Sections <br />• Discussion of Existing Conditions, Environmental Analysis, • Organizations and Persons Consulted <br />and Mitigation Measures <br />Each topical section of the document will: (a) describe existing environmental conditions and pertinent regulatory <br />policies and programs that apply to this project, (b) define the criteria by which impacts will be determined to be <br />significant, (c) determine the environmental changes that would result from the project, (d) evaluate the significance of <br />those changes with respect to the impact significance criteria (thresholds), (e) define mitigation measures to reduce or <br />avoid all potentially significant adverse impacts, and (f) provide a conclusion as to whether significant impacts would <br />remain, even after successful implementation of recommended mitigation measures. Each section will be <br />supplemented with applicable GIS -based graphics to enhance the analysis and clarify the project's environmental <br />impacts. <br />Topical Sections. As indicated above, it is anticipated that all CEQA topical sections and impact thresholds will be <br />addressed in the EIR. Analysis and findings of technical studies listed under Task 1 will be incorporated. Complete <br />technical studies and/or supporting modeling information will be included In the EIR appendices. <br />• Aesthetics. The aesthetics analysis will address the General Plan Updates' potential effect on scenic vistas, visual and <br />community character and quality, and lighting/glare. Development standards from the General Plan Update will be <br />helpful in portraying the visual impacts of the proposed update. This section of the EIR will also review applicable <br />visual -related policies. <br />October 17, 2018 Page 14 <br />