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5/12/2020 3:12:32 PM
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City Clerk
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EXHIBIT A <br />Project would not conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency with <br />jurisdiction over the Project adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect. <br />The Project would be consistent with the SCAG Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities <br />Strategy. Notably, the Project would implement many of the SCAG policies related to high-density, infill <br />development, improvement of the job/housing balance, and use of green building measures, such as water <br />efficiency and Low Impact Development features. Therefore, implementation of the Project would not <br />result in conflict with SCAG policies, and impacts would not occur. <br />Regarding General Plan designations, the Project would require a General Plan Land Use Amendment to <br />change the land use designation from PAO (Professional & Administration Office) to District Center (DC) <br />to allow for the proposed multi -family uses. The General Plan Land Use Element states that DC <br />designation includes the major activity areas in the City and that District Centers are to be developed with <br />an urban character. The proposed DC designation is consistent with the existing DC land uses to the north <br />of Santiago Park and to the southwest across the I-5 freeway. <br />The General Plan also designates the site as the Main Street Concourse node. The proposed DC land use <br />designation and the Project would implement the Main Street Concourse node designation by providing <br />an architecturally cohesive development with a maximum structure height of 90 feet from the ground <br />surface (height intensive) within a regional activity center. <br />The General Plan identifies that the Project is within the Main Street at I-5 Freeway Gateway (Figure 10 <br />of the Urban Design Element) and provides that gateways are located at the City's entry points to help <br />define boundaries and enhance the City's identity, while reinforcing a sense of place. The proposed DC <br />land use designation, along with the proposed height, architecture, and landscaping of the development <br />Project would provide distinctive features that reinforce the sense of place already provided by the <br />Discovery Cabe and numerous other urban structures along N. Main Street. Thus, the Project would align <br />with the General Plan's intent for the Main Street at 1-5 Freeway Gateway. <br />In addition, although the development under the proposed DC designation would result in a different type <br />and higher intensity of residential units than the adjacent LR -7 designated Park Santiago neighborhood <br />area, the Project provides a transition through wall heights, landscaping, building plan, and an eastern <br />setback, such that the taller multi -family structures, vehicle parking, and circulation are not sited adjacent <br />to single -story single-family residences. Also, designating lands for multi -family residential uses would <br />be more consistent with the adjacent single-family residential uses, than the existing office uses because <br />high density residential land uses adjacent to low density residential land uses have more similar and <br />consistent activities than office building uses adjacent to low density residential. Furthermore, the <br />proposed land use designation change from PAO to DC would not conflict with a policy or plan adopted <br />for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect. The Project would also be consistent <br />with the relevant goals, policies, and objectives of the City's General Plan that avoid or mitigate <br />environmental impacts, and impacts related to conflict with a General Plan policy related to an <br />environmental effect would be less than significant. <br />The Project includes a zone change that would change the existing zoning designation change from P <br />(Professional) to a Specific Development (SD) to implement the proposed multi -family residential project. <br />As required by the Zoning Code, the Project's development plans would be reviewed by the City to ensure <br />consistency with development standards. Furthermore, the SD zoning designation would be consistent <br />Resolution No. _ <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park Ent <br />75E-76 <br />Page 38 of 71 <br />
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