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1.61 'Rules and Regulations" means the rules and regulations attached hereto as Exhibit •'D" (which are hereby incorpornted herein <br />and made a part hereol) and any reasonable and non-discriminatory amendments, modifications and/or additions thereto as may hereafter be adopted <br />end published by written notice to tenants by Landlord for the safety, care, security, good order and/or cleanliness ofthe Premises and/or the Project. <br />1.62 "Security Deposit" means a cash security deposit in the amount specified In Item 6 of the Basic Lease Provisions. <br />1.63 "Security Instruments", means, collectively: (a) all present and future ground leases and master leases of all or any part of the <br />Project, Building or Premises; (b) present and future mortgages and deeds of trust encumbering all or any part of ilia Project, Building or Premises; <br />(c) all post and future advances made under any such mortgages or deeds of trust; and (d) all renewals, modifications, replacements and extensions of <br />any such ground leases, master leases, mortgages and deeds of trust, which now or hereafter constitute a lien upon or affect the Project, Building or <br />Premises. <br />1.64 '`Substantial Completion" (and "Substantially Complete") Is defined In the Work Letter. <br />1.65 "Taking" is defined in Section 13.2. <br />1.66 "Taking Date" is defined in Bection 13.2. <br />1.67 "Target Delivery Date" means the date specified in Item 3.1 of the Basic Lease Provisions, <br />1.68 "Tenant" means the Original Tenant, and any person or entity to whom or to which all of Original Tenant's (or any other <br />Tenant's) interest in this Lease is assigned (or otherwise transferred) in accordance with the provisions ofArticle I of this Lease. <br />1.69 'Tenant Delays" Is defined in the Work Letter. <br />1.70 "renant Improvements" means the initial Alterations (if any) to be constructed and/or installed in the Premises pursuant to the <br />Work Letter (if any). <br />1.71 '"tenant Parties,, means collectively, Tenant, its subtenants, assignees or other Transferees, and their respective contractors, <br />clients, ofdeers, directors, employees, agents, and invitees (such of which shell be a "Tenant Party"). <br />1,72 'Tenant's Hazardous Materials" means any Hazardous Materials that become present in, on, under or about the Project as a <br />result of any act or omission of Tenant or any otter Tenant Party. <br />1.73 "Tenant's Personal Property" means all of Tenant's (and the other Tenant Parties') office furniture, business and personal trade <br />fixtures, machinery and equipment, &milure and furniture systems, movable partitions, teleconwnnications equipment, data cabling and other items <br />of personal property, <br />1.74 'Term" means and shall refer to the Initial Term as it may be extended pursuant to Schedule "J-I"of Exhibit "J". attached hereto <br />and/or pursuant to the written agreement of Landlord and Tenant. <br />1.75 "Transfer" means and includes any of the following: (a) a sublease all or any part of [he Premises, (b) an assignment of the <br />Lease, (c) any other agreement or arrangement• (i) that permits a third party (other than Tenant's employees and occasional guests) to occupy or use <br />any portion of the Premises or Ill) otherwise assigns, transfers, mortgages, pledges, hypothecates, encumbers or permits a lien to attach to Tenant's <br />interest under this Lease or (d) a direct or Indirect trransfer, assignment, pledge, or hypothecation of a Controlling interest in Tenant. <br />1.76 "Transfer Notice" means a Witten notice that: (a) identifies a proposed Transferee by its name and address; (b) describes the <br />applicable Proposed Transfer Space; (c) includes current financial statements of the proposed Transferee certified by an officer, partner orowner <br />thereof,, (d) describes fine nature of such Transferec's business and proposed use of the Proposed Transibr Space; (e) doe proposed effective date of <br />the proposed Transfer, and (f) all of the principal terns of the proposed Transfer, <br />1.77 "Transfer Profits" means, with respect to any particular month and any particular Transfer, an amount equal to: (a) all rent, <br />addidonal rent or other consideration payable by or on behalf of such Transferee during or with respect to such month in connection with the Tralluer <br />minus (b) the sum o11 (1) the Base Rent and Additional Rent payable by Tenant under Sections 4 2 and 43 of this Leasc daring or with respect to the <br />same month and (!i) all out orpocket costs reasonably incurred by Tenant fit connection with such Transfer (such as brokerage commissions and/or <br />improvement allowances), amortized on a straight line basis over the tern of such Transfer. <br />1.78 °Trunsforee" means any Person to wheat a Transfer is made. <br />1.79 "Unreserved Parking Passes' means parking privileges to be used for parking on a first come first served basis in the areas of <br />the parking Facilities designated by Landlord therefor. <br />1,80 'Work Letter" means the Tenant Work Letter (if any) attached hereto as Exhibit "C", <br />'terms in initial capitals Ihnt are not defined in Article I shall have the meanings given to them elsewhere in this Lease, <br />ARTICLE 2— LEASE OF PREMISES• COMNION AREAS: P ARI'INC• SIGNS <br />2.1 Lease of Premises; Access; Quiet Enioyment. <br />80 Ir Clrie Center Dr— CIO, ofsnnnt"Our Leave .4- <br />