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Landlord or oily of the other Landlord Parties, and (d) at no time shell Landlord be responsible or liable to Tenant for any lost profits, lost economic <br />opportunities or any form of consequential damage as the result of any actual or alleged breach by Landlord of Landlord's Lease Undertakings car in <br />connection with any other matter relating to Tenant's use or occupancy of the Premises, <br />16.3 Sale. by Landlord. A sale or conveyance by Landlord of the Project or of any portion thereof containing the Premises shall <br />operate to release Landlord firm any liability with respect to any of the agreaments, obligations, covenants or conditions, express or implied, herein <br />contained in favor of Tenant flint are to be performed after (and/or that first acenre after) such sale or conveyance, and Tenant agrees to look solely to <br />the successor in interest of Landlord in and to this Lease far the performance of all of the agreements, obligations, covenants or conditions, express or <br />implied, herein contained in favor or Tenant that ere to be performed after (or that first accrue after) such sale or conveyance (and for satisfaction of <br />all liabilities arising out of the same). This Lease shall not be affected by any such sale, however, and Tenant agrees to attorn to the purchaser or <br />assignee, such adornment to be effective and self -operative without the execution orally further instruments by oily of the parties to this Lease. <br />ARTICLE 17-MISCELLANEOUS <br />17.1 Nritheli, All notices, requests and/or demands which Landlord or Tenant may be required, or may desire, to serve oil the other <br />(or any Holder) shall, except as expressly provided otherwise herein, be in writing and may be served, as an alternative to personal service, by <br />mailing the same by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, or by a reputable overnight courier service, which provides evidence of delivery, <br />addressed to the Landlord at the address for Landlord set forth in Item 11.2 of the Basic Lease Provisions and to Tenant at the address for Tenant set <br />forth in Item 11 of the Basle Lease Provisions, or, from and after the Commencement Date, to the Tenant at the Premises whether or not Tenant has <br />departed from, abandoned or vacated the Premises, or addressed to such other address or addresses as either Landlord or Tenant may fhmn time to <br />time designate written notice to the other. Any Snell notice, request or dennand shall be deemed to have been served at tine time the same was posted. <br />17.2 Brokers. The parties recognize as the broker(s) who procured this Lease, the firm(s) specified ill Item 9 of the Basic Lease <br />Provisions and agree that Landlord shall be solely responsible for the payment orally brokerage commissions to said broker(s), and that Tenant shall <br />have no responsibility therefor unless written provision to the contrary has been made a part of this Lease. If Tenant has dealt with any other person <br />or real estate broker in respect to leasing, subleasing or renting space in the Building, Tenant shall be solely responsible for the payment of any fee <br />due said person or firm and Tenant shall protect, indemnify, hold harmless and defend Landlord from any Claims relating thereto. <br />17.3 Riahts Reserved by Landlord. <br />17.3. t Entry by Landlord. Landlord may enter the Premises at all reasonable times to: (a) inspect the same; (b) exhibit the <br />same to prospective purchasers, leaders or tenants; (c) determine whether Tenant is complying with all of its obligations under this Lease; (d) supply <br />janitorial and other services to be provided by Landlord to Tenant under ibis Lease; (a) post notices of non -responsibility; (e) exercise any of <br />Landlord's rights or perform any of Landlord's obligations under this Lease; (t) make repairs or improvements in or to the Project or the Premises <br />(provided, however, that all such work shall be done as promptly as reasonably possible and so as to cause as little Interference to Tenant as <br />reasonably possible) or (g) for any other reasonable purpose. Tenant hereby waives any claim for damages for any injury or inconvenience to, or <br />Intel ference with, Tenant's business, any loss of occupancy or quiet enjoyment of the Premises or any otlier loss occasioned by such entry. Landlord <br />shall at all times have and retain a key with which to unlock all of the doors in, on or about the Premises (excluding Tenant's vaults, safes and similar <br />areas designated by Tenant in writing in advance), and Landlord shall have the right to use oily and all means by which Landlord may deem proper to <br />open such doors to obtain entry to the Premises, and any entry to die Premises obtained by Landlord by any such means, or otherwise, shall not under <br />any circumstances be deemed or construed to be a forcible or unlawful entry into or a detainer of the Premises or an eviction, actual or constructive, <br />of Tenant from any pall of tine Premises. Such entry by Landlord shall not act as a termination of Tenant's duties under this Lease. If Landlord shall <br />be required to obtain entry by means other than a key provided by Tenant, the cost ofsuch entry shall be payable by Tenant to Landlord. <br />17.3.2 Right m Lease; Proieet or Buildlne Na ne and Sienage, Landlord reserves the absolute right to: (n) lease space in <br />flit Project and to create such other tenancies in the Project as Landlord, in its sole business judgment, shall determine is in the best interests of the <br />Project; (b) to change the name or street address of Are Building midlor the Project; and (a) to install, affix and maintain any and all signs on the <br />exterior and on die interior of the Building and/or the Projeot as Landlord may so desire, in its sole discretion. Landlord does not represent and <br />Tenant does not rely upon any specific type or number orvenants occupying oily space in the Building or the Project during the Tenn of this Least, <br />Tenant shall not, without die prior written consent of landlord, use the name of the Building and/or the Project, m' any pictures or illustrations of the <br />Building and/or the Project, in Tenant's advertising or in any other publicity, and to tie extent that Landlord grants such consent, shall refer to the <br />Building and/or the Project by the name designated by Landlord. <br />17.3.3 The Other Imv'uvemonts, If portions of the Project or pheperly adjacent to the Project (collectively, tine "Other <br />improvements") are owned by an entity other than Landlord, Landlord, at its option, in its sole and absolute discretion, may enter into an agreement <br />with the owner or owners of any or all of the Other Improvements to provide: (a) for reciprocal rights of access and/or use of the Project and the <br />Other Improvements; (b) for the common umnagement, operation, maintenance, improvement and/or repair of all or any portion of the Project and <br />the Other Improvements; (c) for the allocation of a portion of the Operating Expenses to the Other Improvements and the operating expenses and <br />taxes for the Other Improvements to the Project: and (d) for the use or improvement of the Other Improvements and/or the Project In connection with <br />the. improvement, construction, and/or excavation of the Other Improvements and/or the Project. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed or <br />construed to limit or otherwise ulTect I.ardlord's right to convey all or any portion of the Project or any other of Landlord's rights damribed in this <br />Lease <br />17.3:4 RLnovIttimt of the Proieet and Other Immrovements/Construction of New Improvements. Tenant acknowledges <br />that portions of the Project tad/or the Other Improvements may he under construction following Tenant's occupancy or the Premises, and that such <br />construction may result in levels or noise. dust, ohsheclion of access. etc. which are in excess orthat present in a tldly constructed project. Tenant <br />acknowledges and agrees that Landlord may alter. remodel, improve and/or renovate (collectively, tile "Construction Work") the Building. <br />Premises, and/or the Project (including, without Ilnnitrdion, by constructing new improvements in Common Arens), and in connection with oily <br />Construction Work, Landlorl nary. among other things, erect scal7olding or other necessary structures in the Building, or elsewhere in or at the <br />861 I$'Cirir C'enler Dr— C'io'ofsat'lu Urn Leave -15- <br />