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Project, restrict access to portions of the Project, including portions of the Common Areas, or perform work in the Building and/or the Project. <br />Tenant hereby agrees that such Construction Wild< and Landlord's actions in connection with such Construction Work shall in no way Lonsllt.1 <br />Life a <br />constructive eviction of Tenant nor entitle Tenant to any abatement of Rent. Landlord shall have no responsibility or liability to Tenant for any <br />injury to or interference with Tenant's business arising from any such Construction Work, and Tenant shall not be entitled to any damnges from <br />Landlord for loss of use of the Premises, in whole or In port, or for loss of Tenant's personal property or improvements, resulting from the <br />Construction Work or Landlord's actions in connection therewith or Far any inconvenience occasioned by such Construction Work or Landlord's <br />actions fn connection therewith. <br />17.3.5 Other Rights Reserved by Landlord. Landlord reserves the following rights exercisable without notice (except as <br />otherwise expressly provided to the contrary in this Lease) and without being, deemed an eviction or disturbance of Tenant's use or possession of the <br />Premises or giving rise to any claim for set-off or abatement of Rent: (a) to designate and/or approve prior to installation, all types of signs,.window <br />shades, blinds, drapes, awnings or other similar items, and all internal lighting that may be visible from the exterior of the Premises and, <br />notwithstanding the provisions of Article 10• the design, arrangement, style, color and general appearance of the portion of the Premises visible from <br />the exterior, and contents thereof, including, without limitation, firrniture, fixtures, signs, art work, wall coverings, carpet and decorations, and all <br />changes, additions and removals thereto, shall, at all times have the appearance of premises having the same type of exposure and used for <br />substantially the same purposes that are generally prevailing in first class office buildings in the area; (b) to display the Premises and/or the Building <br />and/or the Project to mortgagees, prospective mortgagees, prospective purchasers and ground lessors at reasonable hours upon reasonable advance <br />notice to Tenant; (c) to change the arrangement of entrances, doors, corridors, elevators and/or stairs fn the Building and/or the Project, provided no <br />such change shall materially adversely effect access to the Promises; (d) to grant any party the exclusive right to conduct any business or render any <br />service in the Building or fit the Project, provided such exclusive right shall not operate to prohibit Tenant from using the Premises for the purposes <br />permitted tinder this Lease; (e) to prohibit the placement of vending or dispensing machines of any kind in or about the Premises other than for use by <br />Tenant's employees; (0 to prohibit the placement of video or other electronic games in the Premises; (g) to have access for Landlord and other <br />tenants of the Building to any mail chutes and boxes located in or on the Premises according to the rules of the United States Post Office and to <br />discontinue any mail theta business in the Building and/or the Project; (h) subject to Tenant's rights or access under Section 2.1.3, to close the <br />Building after normal business hours, except that Tenant and its employees and invitees shall be entitled to admission at all Imes tinder such rules <br />and regulations as Landlord prescribes for security purposes; (I) to install, operate and maintain surveillance systems which monitor, by closed circuit <br />television or otherwise, all persons entering or leaving the Building and/or the Project; 0) to install and maintain pipes, ducts, conduits, wires and <br />structural elements located in the Premises which serve other parts or other tenants of the Building and/or the Project; (k) to retain at All times master <br />keys or pass keys to the Premises; (1) to modify, change, add to or delete the design, configuration, layout, size, ingress, egress, areas, method of <br />operation, and other characteristics of or relating to the Parking Facilities at any time, and/or to provide for nonuse, partial use or restricted use of <br />portions thereof, (m) to delegate control of the Parking Facilities to a parking operator (and/or to master lease the Parking Facilities to a parking <br />operator) in which case Landlord may assign any or all of the rights, Inoluding rights of control, attributed hereby to the Landlord to such parking <br />operator, and (a) to take (and require Tenant to take) reasonably appropriate action to comply with any Law or mandatory controls or voluntary <br />controls promulgated by any governmental or quasi -governmental authority or public utility relating to: (i) the use or conservation of energy, water, <br />gas, light or electricity, reduction of automobile or other emissions, or the provision of any other utility or service and/or (if) die reduction and/or <br />management of tragic, transportation or parking fit or around the Project. <br />17.4 Light and Air. No diminution or shuttng off of any right, air or view by any structure now or hereafter erected shall fn any <br />manner affect this Lease or the obligations of Tenant hereunder, or increase any of the obligations of Landlord hereunder. <br />17.5 Force Majeure. Landlord shall incur no liability to Tenant with respect to, and shall not be responsible far any failure to <br />perform any of Landlord's obligations hereunder if such failure is caused by any reason beyond the control of Landlord, including, but not limited to, <br />strike, labor trouble, governmental rule, regulations, ordinance, statute or interpretation, or by tire, earthquake, civil commotion, or failure or <br />disruption of utility services (a "Force Majeure Event"). The amount ortime for Landlord to perform any of Landlord's obligations shall be <br />extended by the anaunt of time Landlord is delayed fit performing such obligation by reason or any such Force Majeure Event whether sinhflar to or <br />different from the foregoing types ofoccurrences. <br />17.6 Attornevs'Fees: Oovaufne Law: No Counterclaim; Chat cc of Lawn Waiver of Jury Trial <br />17.6.1 Attorneys' Fees. If either Landlord or Tenant shall commence any action or other proceeding against the other arising <br />cut of, or rcloting to, this ]..ease or the Premises, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the losing party, in addition to any other relief, <br />its actual attorneys' fees irrespective of whether or not the action or other proceeding is prosecuted to judgment and irespocrive of any court <br />schedule orreasonable attorneys' fees. In addition, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord, upon demand, for all reasonable nuorneys' fees incurred in <br />collecting Rentor otherwise seeking enforcement against Tenant, its sublessees and assigns, of'renanPs obligations under ()its Lease. <br />IT6.2 Oovernina Law, This Lease shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the Imes of' the state of <br />California (without regard to its conlliet of laws principles). <br />17.6.3 Choice of Jurisdiction. Tenant hereby submits to local jurisdiction in the State of California and agrees that any <br />action by Tenant against Landlord shall be Instituted fn the State of California and that Landlord shall have personal jurisdiction over Tenant for ally <br />action brought by Landlord against'renant in the State of Calilbruia. <br />17.6A Waiver or Triad by Jury. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, LANDLORD AND TENANT <br />EACH EXPRESSLY WAIVE THEIR RIGHT TO TRIAL. BY JURY IN ANY TIMAL I IELD AS A RESULT OF A CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR <br />IN CONNECTION WITH THIS LEASE IN WHICH LANDLORD AND TENANT ARE ADVERSE PARTIES. RIE, PILING OF A CROSS. <br />COM PLAINT BY ONE AGAINST TI IE OTHER IS SUFFICIENTT'0 MAKE THE PARTIES "ADVERSE" <br />17.7 OFAC Compliance. Tenant represents, warrants and covenants to Landlord: (a) that neither the Tenant nor any person or entity <br />that directly owns it I0%or greater equity interest in it nor any of its officers, directors or managing members is a person or enlity with whom U.S, <br />Y01 W'C'irie Center Dr —CIO, n/'Swrla Ana Lease -16- <br />