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17.14 Con rid calls itv. Tenant agrees that: (a) the terms and provisions of this Lease are subject to the terms of the Cali PornIa Public <br />Records Act and Freedom of Information Act <br />17,15 No Offer to Lease. The submission orthis Lease to Tenant or its Broker or other agent, does not constitute on offer to Tenant to <br />lease the Premises. This Lease shall have no force and effect until: (a) it is executed and delivered by Tenant to Landlord, (b) It is fully reviewed <br />and executed by Landlord and (c) all conditions to the effectiveness of this Lease are satisfied (or waived by the applicable party); provided, <br />however, that, upon execution of this Lease by Tenant and delivery to Landlord, such execution and delivery by Tenant shall, in consideration of the <br />time and expense incurred by Landlord in reviewing this Lease and Tenant's credit, constitute an offer by Tenant to Lease die Premises upon the <br />leans and conditions set forth herein (which offer to Lease shall be irrevocable for twenty (20) business days following the date of delivery), <br />17,16 Authorit . If Tenant signs as a corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other similar entity, each of the persons <br />executing this Lease on behalf of Tenant does hereby covenant and warrant that Tenant is a duly authorized and existing entity, that Tenant Imas and is <br />qualified to do business in the slate of California, that Tenant has full right and authority to enter into this Lease, and that each of both of the persons <br />signing on behalf of Tenant are authorized to do so. Upon Landlord's request, Tenant shall provide Landlord with evidence reasonably satisfactory <br />to Landlord connnning the foregoing covenants and warranties. The person executing this Loose on behalf of Landlord hereby covenants and <br />warrants that Landlord has full right and authority to enter into this Lease and that the person signing on behalf of Landlord is authorized to do so. <br />17.17 Counterparts: Facsimile Esecution, This Lease may be executed in counterparts each of which shall be deemed as an original, <br />but all of which taken together shall constitute one and the some document. Each of the parties hereto agree that the delivery of an executed copy or <br />counterpart of this Lease by facsimile or email shall be legal and binding and shall have the some full force and effect as if ail original executed copy <br />or counterpart of this Lease had been delivered. <br />/Signatures Appear on Nest Pagel <br />801 WCtrle Center Dr —CUB njSauet Arrrt Lease -is- <br />