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persons or entities are restricted from doing business under OPAC regulations (including those named on OFAC's Specially Designated and Dlooked <br />Persons List) or under any statute, executive order (including, without limitation, Executive Order 13224, or other governmental action, (b) that <br />Tenant's activities do not violate the Money Laundering Act, slid (c) that throughout the tern of this Lease the Tenant shall comply with Executive <br />Order 13224 and with the Money Laundering Act. <br />17.8 State Snecific Requirements, <br />17.8.1 California Civil Code Section 1938. As of the dale of this Lease, the Promises, Building and Project have not been <br />inspected by a Cerlified Access Specialist ("CASp') as referred to in Section 1938 of the Caliromin Civil Code. A CASp can inspect the subject <br />premises and determine whether the subject premises comply with all or the applicable eonstmclion-reloted accessibility standards under state Inw, <br />Although state law does not require a CASp inspection of the subject premises, the commercial property owner or lessor may not prohibit the lessee <br />or tenant lbom obtaining a CASp inspection of the subject premises for the occupancy or potential occupancy of the lessee or tenant, if requested by <br />the lessee or tenant The parties shall mutually agree on the arrangements for the time and manner of [he CASp Inspection, the payment of the fee for <br />the CASp inspection, and lie cost of making any repairs necessary to correct violations of construction -related accessibility standards within the <br />Premises. <br />17.8.2 California Public Resources Code Section 25402.10, Pasuait to California Public Resources Code Section <br />25402.10 and the regulations adopted thereunder (together with any fidtue law or regulation regarding disclosure of energy efficiency data with <br />respect to the Project, the "Electrical Energy Disclosure Laws"): (u) Landlord is or may be required to disclose to third parties (including, without <br />limitation, prospective purchasers, lenders and tenants of the Project) information concerning the amount of electrical power consumed at the Project <br />("Electrical Energy Use Disclosures"), mud (b) in order to make such Electrical Energy Use Disclosures, Landlord may need to obtain information <br />regarding Tenant's consumption of electrical power in the Premises (if and to the extent that delivery of electrical power to the Premises or any <br />applicable portion thereof that is measured by a meter in Tenant's name). Accordingly, Tenant agrees to cooperate with Landlord f l connection with <br />any such Electrical Energy Use Disclosures, including, without limitation, by providing to Landlord, within ten (10) days following Lessor's request <br />therefor: (I) copies of (or uccess to) bills or other records reflecting the delivery of electrical power to the Premises or any applicable portion thereof <br />that is measured by a meter in Tenant's name and/or (H) other infomation (such as without limitation, the number of employees regularly working at <br />the Premises (or any applicable portion thereof), the types of equipment regularly used at the Premises (or any applicable portion thereof) and/or the <br />regular operating hours at the Premises (or any applicable portion thereof)) that is reasonably required for Landlord to estimate the anounl of <br />electrical power consumed at due Premises. <br />17.9 ;:air Emnlavmont Landlord agrees, subject to applicable laws, rules and regulations, tlmt no <br />person shall be subject to discrimination in the performance of this Lease on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, <br />gender identity, AIDS, HIV status, age, disability, handicap or veteran status. Landlord shall take affirmative action to ensure dust applicants are <br />employed and drat employees are treated during employment without respect to any or these bases, including but not limited to employment, <br />upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment, recruitment advertising, layoff, termination, rates orpiy or other forms of compensation, mid selection for <br />training, including apprenticeship. <br />17.10 Interpretation, Tenant acknowledges dint it has read and reviewed this Lease and that it has had the opportunity to confer with <br />counsel in the negotiation of this Lease. Accordingly, this Lease shall be construed neither for nor against Landlord or Tenant, but shall be given a <br />fair and reasonable interpretation in accordance with the meaning of its terms and the intent of the parties. All captions, headings, titles, numerical <br />references and computer highlighting are for convenience only and shall have no effect on the interpretation of this Lease. All terms and words used <br />in this Lease, regardless of the number or gender in which they are used, shall be deemed to include the appropriate number and gender, as the <br />context may require, Each covenant, agreement, obligation or other provision of this Lease to be performed by recant are separate and independent <br />covenants of Tenant, and not dependent on any other provision or this Lease. Time is of the essence of this Lease and due performance of all <br />obligntions hereunder. In the event any prevision of this Lease is found to be unenforceable, the remainder of this Lease shah not be affected, and <br />any provision found to be invalid shall be enforceable to the extent permitted by law. The parties agree that irtwo different interpretations may be <br />given to any provision Hereunder, one of which will render the provision unenforceable, and one orwhich will render the provision enforceable, the <br />interpretation rendering the provision enforceable shall be adopted. <br />17,11 No Partnership or Joint Venture: No 'rhird Party Beneficiaries. Nothing contained in this Lease shall be deemed or <br />construed to create the relationship of principal and agent, or partnership, or,joint venture. or any odnor relationship between Landlord and Tenant <br />other than landlord and tenant. Landlord shall have no obligations hereunder to any person or entity other than Tenant or any person or entity <br />claiming through Tenant, slit no other parties shall have any rights hereunder us against Landlord, For die avoidance of doubt, it is understood and <br />agreed that Persons That ore Landlord Parties are intended third party beneficiaries ofand shall have the right to enforce Sections 14.1. ,1427, 14.3 and <br />16.2 above <br />17.12 Entire Agreement; rent• Amendment: Suce6mors• Survival of Obligations, This (,ease contains all of the agreements and <br />understandings relating to the leasing ofthe Premises and the obligations of Landlurd and Tenant in connection with such leasing. Landlord has not <br />made. and Tenant is not relying upon, any warranties, or representations, promises or statements made by Landlord or any agent of Landlord, except <br />those expressly set reran herein. This Lease supersedes any and all prior agreements and understandings between Landlord and Tenant and alone <br />expresses the agreement of the parties. This Lease shall not be amended, changed or modified in any way unless in writing executed by I.,andlord <br />and Tenant. Landlord shall not have waived or released any or its rights hereunder unless in writing and executed by the Landlord. Except as <br />expressly provided herein, this Lease and the obligations or Landlord and Tenant contained herein shall bind or inure to the benefit of Landlord and <br />Tenant anti their respective successors and assigns, provided this clause shtdl not permit any Transfer by Tenant contrary to the provisions ol'Article <br />IU. Any obligations or Tenor accruing prior to the expiration of this [,ease shall survive the termination of this Lease, slid 'Tenant shall promptly <br />perform all such obligations whetherornot this Lease has expired. <br />17.13 Prohibition Agilinst liacord[ns. Neither this Lease nor any nnennorandum. nflidavit or other writing with respect thereto shall <br />be recorded by Tenant or by anyone acting through, under or on behalrol'Tmnnt. <br />801 tPCb'ir Center Dr —City q%Senitn Ante Levee -17- <br />