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2. Within a reasonable time prior to the start of any on -site work, delivery of materials, equipment, or personnel, Conti -actor will submit to <br />Owner the following: <br />A- A complete set of drawings approved by Owner and subsequently by the City in which the Building is located. <br />B- A fully executed Indemnity Agreement (To Be Provided by Owner Upon Request). <br />C- Certificate of Insurance in a form approved by Owner executed by insurance companies acceptable to Owner. <br />D- A Rlly executed Notification -Rules for Contractors (To Be Provided by Owner Upon Request). <br />E- A job schedule of the work to be accomplished, detailed by trade. <br />F- A complete list of all proposed Subcontractors slid suppliers. Owner must approve all contractors and subcontractors before <br />commencement of their work. <br />0- The name and phone number (including emergency phone numbers) of personnel who are authorized to represent the Contractor. <br />3. No revisions or changes of any kind may be made to the construction plans previously approved by Owner without prior written consent of <br />the Owner. Any proposed revisions or changes must be submitted to Owner in the form of a change order, for Owner's review and <br />approval prior to commencement of such changes, Revisions or changes altering the floor plan, base building systems, or building <br />operations must be submitted, in writing, to the Owner for review and approval prior to commencement of work. <br />4. All of Contractor's work must be scheduled so that it in no way conflicts with, interferes with, or impedes the quiet and peaceful enjoyment <br />of other tenants or occupants of the Project, or with the progress of Owner's woic or operations. Airy work that is in conflict will be <br />rescheduled by the Contractor to such time as approved by Owner. Additionally, Owner shall have no liability for any costs or expenses <br />incurred by Contractor (or Tenant) in connection with such rescheduling, <br />S. Contractor and subcoitrilC oral shall employ persons and means for file orderly progress of the work without interruption on account of <br />strikes, work stoppages or similar causes of delay. Additionally, Owner shall have no liability for any costs or expenses incurred by <br />Contractor (or Tenant) in connection wilt) such delays. <br />6. Materials and tool storage will be limited to the areas f'or which access has been granted. <br />7. Clean-up and rubbish removal shall be provided by the Contractor at Contractor's expense. Contractor must, on a daily basis, remove all <br />rubbish, surplus and waste material resulting from the performance of his work. At the request of Owner, Contractor shall relegate any <br />materials causing an obstruction as directed by Owner. Contractor will not be allowed to place a dumpster on site on a continuous basis <br />during construction, <br />Important note: The placement and location of rubbish dumpsters and bins must be approved in advance by Owner. <br />g. In general, Owner will interface with Contractor to the extent necessary for work to be completed within the guidelines of project <br />specifications and for the enforcement of building roles and regulations. <br />9. Contractor will make arrangements for unloading, trash removal and hoisting after normal working hours due to die local city noise <br />ordinance. (No such activity will be allowed between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) Al no time will the Contractor be given <br />exclusive reserved use of the freight elevator unless applied for by Contractor and approved by Owner. Contractor may be afforded access <br />to loading dock space and hoisting facilities for limited use at such time during normal working hours as is prearranged with Owner, or at <br />other times, with the consent of Owner and upon payment orOwner's prevailing fee for after-hours use and access. <br />10. C'ontroclor will be afforded unloading areas us prearranged with Owner. All maferhds unloaded at these areas will be moved to an area of <br />use Immediately and shall not be stood or used in a way which adversely impacts use ofthe Building, <br />11. Connector (and Tenant) will be responsible for the security of its own materials, equipment and work, and that of his subcontractors. <br />Contractor will also be responsible for damage Caused by Contractor or its subcontractors to the Project, Building and/or tenant areas, <br />including. but not limited to the loading dock and indoor and outdoor public areas, freight elevators, etc. Any such damages will he <br />promptly repaired to the Owner's satisfaction at sole cost of Conm•uctor. <br />12. Contractor will comply with all applicable codes, laws and regulations pertaining to the Work Or Contractor, including all safely raid health <br />regulations. The Contractor shall supply file OWnef with a Masler List or all'dous Materials and their Material Safety Date Sheets <br />(MSDS) upon delivery to the job site. A discussion will then ensue pertaining to the safe storage, handling and use or these materials, as <br />well as the Contractor's emergency preparedness plan I'o' handling the containment and clean-up of potenthd 140ru'dous Material spills, <br />13. Contractor will not engage in ally labor practice that may delay or otherwise impact die work of Owrier or any other eennactor. <br />14. No base building systems will be turned oil' or disengaged by Contractor er any subcontractor without prior written approval and <br />supervision fly,' representative ofOimier or its agent, Said systems include bill are not limited to sprinklers, electrical circuits, air -handling <br />units, smoke heads and water supply. Building electrical power shut -downs are allowed, with the prior writtai consent cr(Owner. on <br />Satunlyvs between 10:00 p,i n. and 3:00 a.m. only. A request for apprr)vnl shall be made to the Property Manager' at least tell ( Ill) days in <br />sdvance. <br />ND!!V Cirir Garner l)r—C(p•rJ'Sanul our leare -4- tieltibitU <br />