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the Contractor and if not corrected, payment to the Contractor will not be made until the condition <br />is corrected in a satisfactory manner as set forth In the specifications. <br />4. WORKMANSHIP AND SUPERVISION <br />Work shall be performed by competent and experienced workers. The work force shall include a <br />thoroughly skilled, experienced, and competent supervisor who shall be responsible for adherence <br />to the specifications. <br />All personnel shall be neat in appearance and in uniforms. All personnel shall wear identification <br />badges or patches. Those employees working in or adjacent to traffic lanes shall wear safety vests <br />and follow all necessary safety procedures at the facilities. <br />Persons employed by the Contractor who are found not to be satisfactory by the <br />City shall be discharged or reassigned by the Contractor on fifteen (15) days' notice from the City. <br />5. SAFETY REQUIREMENT <br />The contractor shall provide a safety data sheet (SDS) for all chemicals including but not limited to <br />pesticides, herbicides, etc. to the City of Santa Ana prior to utilization. <br />All work performed under this contract shall be performed in such a manner as to provide maximum <br />safety to the public and where applicable, comply with all safety standards required by CAL -OSHA. <br />The City of Santa Ana reserves the right to issue restraint or cease and desist orders to the <br />Contractor when unsafe or harmful acts are observed or reported relative to the performance of the <br />work under this contract. All contractor vehicles shall have a "W.A.T.C.H." work area traffic control <br />manual at all times. <br />The Contractor shall maintain all work sites free of hazards to persons and/or property resulting <br />from his/her operations. Any hazardous condition noted by the Contractor, which is not a result of <br />his/her operations, shall be immediately reported to the City of Santa Ana. The City can cancel or <br />stop work at any time when the safety of the Contractor, the public, etc. is compromised. <br />The contractor shall assure that each employee or subcontractor under the contractor's supervision <br />Is trained in the work practices necessary to safely perform his or herjob. The contractor will assure <br />that each employee or subcontractor under the contractor's supervision is instructed in the known <br />potential hazards related to his or her job. The contractor shall assure that each employee or <br />subcontractor under the contractor's supervision follows safety rules and safe work practices. <br />6. SCHEDULES <br />6.1. ANNUAL SCHEDULE <br />❑ The annual schedule shall be submitted for City approval within fifteen (15) calendar <br />days after effective date of the contract. <br />❑ The Contractor shall submit revised schedules when actual performance differs <br />substantially from planned performance. <br />City of Santa Ana - RFP 19-048 <br />Landscape Maintenance Services of Water Faalltles and Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center <br />25H-28 <br />