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6.2. WEEKLY SCHEDULE <br />❑ Changes to the schedule shall be received by the City of Santa Ana at least twenty- <br />four (24) hours prior to the scheduled time for the work. <br />❑ Failure to notify of a change and/or failure to perform an item of work on a scheduled <br />day may result in deduction of payment for that date, week, or month. <br />❑ The Contractor shall adjust his/her schedule to compensate for all holidays and rainy <br />days. Maintenance and litter removal shall be scheduled for all holidays and rainy <br />days, unless otherwise indicated by the City. <br />6.3. DAILY SCHEDULE <br />❑ Contractor must utilize City of Santa Ana provided cyber key to check in and out of <br />facilities. <br />❑ Changes to daily schedule can be made verbally or by email to the City of Santa Ana. <br />7. PERFORMANCE DURING INCLEMENT WEATHER <br />During periods of storms, Contractor will provide supervisory inspection of the project during regular <br />hours to prevent or minimize possible damage from inclement weather. Contractor shall submit a <br />report identifying any storm damage to the City of Santa Ana attached to a site map identifying <br />location of damage and cost estimate to repair/replace. If remedial work is required beyond the <br />scope of this contract, it shall be considered as extraordinary work. <br />During periods of inclement weather, i.e. rain/wind; Contractor's workforce shall accomplish work <br />not affected by such weather, i.e. litter pick up/spent blossom removal; preventative maintenance, <br />etc. <br />Contractor shall stake and re -tie trees as required. Drains shall be checked and cleaned as <br />necessary. Contractor shall remove all branches and debris resulting from inclement weather. <br />Contractor may be required to perform additional clean-up tasks due to inclement weather. <br />8. MATERIAL <br />The Contractor shall submit a list to the City of Santa Ana of all materials that the Contractor <br />proposes to use in the execution of this work. The list shall include the chemical analysis, <br />recommended usage and any other pertinent data by the manufacturer of material. Said list shall <br />be submitted before use of any product, pursuant to the provisions of this agreement. All materials <br />used or submitted shall be in full compliance with all Federal, State, County, and local agency laws, <br />guidelines and requirements. <br />The following shall apply to the material indicated: <br />Fertilizers shall be complete, furnishing the required percentage of nitrogen, phosphoric <br />acid and potassium to keep lawns, trees, shrubs, and other plants in a healthy and <br />vigorous growing condition. <br />City of Santa Ana - RFP I M48 <br />Landscape Malnrenance Services of Wa]ar FgdliVS %V&nta Ana Regional Transportation Center <br />