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EXHIBIT A <br />5 Stantec HILDEBRAND <br />March 25, 2019 <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Attn: Rudy Rosas <br />Public Works Agency, City Corporation Yard <br />215 South Center Avenue, Building A <br />Santa Ana CA 92703 <br />Re: Stormwater Funding Feasibility Study <br />Dear Mr. Rosas, <br />On behalf of Stantec Consulting and Hildebrand Consulting, we are pleased to submit the attached scope of work and <br />fee to conduct a Stormwater Funding Feasibility Study for the City of Santa Ana. <br />The purpose of this project is threefold: (1) develop an understanding of the City's stormwater program financial <br />requirements, (2) evaluate the City's funding options to meet the stormwater program's needs, and (3) work with City <br />staff to develop an action plan for seeking the funding necessary to sustain the desired levels of service from the <br />stormwater program. <br />The City currently funds a portion of its stormwater program indirectly through water and sewer rates. The <br />feasibility of sustaining this funding source or creating a new funding source will require further exploration. <br />Obtaining new funding for stormwater utilities in California is notoriously difficult compared to water, wastewater, <br />and solid waste utilities since stormwater services are not designated as a "property -related" service in <br />Proposition 218 (California Constitution, Article XIIID). As such, increasing or creating new stormwater fees/taxes <br />generally require some form of voter approval. While the recently adopted Senate Bill 231 (SB 231) has promised <br />to make stormwater funding easier by amending the Government Code Section 52750 to define the term "sewer' <br />to include stormwater utilities, this approach is legally tenuous, and the use of this approach has no known <br />precedent at this time. Case in point, in spite of the passage of SB 231, Los Angeles County recently opted to <br />use a parcel tax to fund their stormwater program (see Measure W) rather than "test the waters" of (the ostensibly <br />easier approach of) assuming that stormwater services are "property -related" that are subject to Proposition 218. <br />As such, once we have defined the City's stormwater program and anticipated future funding requirements, we <br />will explore the City's specific circumstances with respect to existing revenue sources and utility operations to <br />develop ideas regarding potential alternative funding sources. <br />PageA of 4 <br />