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Stantec Consulting Stormwater Funding Feasibility Study Proposal <br />Proposed Scope of Work <br />Based on our understanding of the City's requested services, we propose to complete the following tasks. <br />Task t - Project Initiation & Data Collection <br />To initialize the study, we will submit a data request to the City. Shortly thereafter, we will conduct a Project <br />Kickoff conference call with staff to: <br />• Discuss key issues, roles and responsibilities <br />• Confirm study objectives and further explore project drivers <br />• Confirm data requirements and discuss the data already received <br />• Finalize the project schedule, including key milestone dates and deliverables <br />Prior to the Kickoff conference call, we will provide an initial data request list. We may already have some of this <br />information from our existing work. Upon receipt we will review all data received to confirm its completeness. <br />Kickoff Meeting <br />iar' `rern'a _ _ t,of n In Lualuo icy 6 Ilocn cial I'Icn <br />In Task 2 we will develop an understanding the City's existing and planned stormwater program and, among other <br />things, how it relates to the rest of the City's utility operations. As part of this task, our team will evaluate the <br />stormwater program from an organizational perspective in order to seek opportunities that may better align and <br />integrate stormwater management with any other related utility services provided by the City. This organizational <br />alignment also may shed light on intra-City funding opportunities. <br />We will be seeking to understand the stormwater program's current and planned level of maintenance activities <br />and capital spending. Known historic capital and operating expenses associated with stormwater activities will <br />be used to extrapolate spending projections over the long term, in order to better understand long-term funding <br />requirements. We will also gather information on all current and projected revenue sources for the stormwater <br />program. We will review prior studies, master plan documents, capital plans, and service agreements (as <br />applicable). We will also evaluate the availability of data needed for the development of equitable stormwater <br />fees, such as GIS data sets of impervious area. Follow-up calls with staff will be made to ensure full <br />understanding of the reviewed information. <br />Task 3 will also be the bulk of our financial analysis, during which we will identify funding requirements of the <br />stormwater operations and capital spending. We will develop a 10-year financial plan for the stormwater program <br />which will include: <br />• Evaluation of historic costs; <br />• Projection of expenses using cost escalation factors; <br />• Evaluation of historic revenues including arrangements with other city programs and general fund <br />transfers; <br />• Capital spending scenarios; and <br />• Development of operating, capital, and financial reserve policies/goals. <br />The financial plan will consider the viability of obtaining loans (state revolving loan, bonds, etc.), transfers (general <br />fund or other city departments) and grants, as well as scenarios that explore the financial implications of a new <br />PageA2 of 4 <br />