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Stantec Consulting Stormwater Funding Feasibility Study Proposal <br />rate revenue stream (using fees, taxes, or other mechanisms that will be explored in Task 3). Our team will work <br />interactively with City staff to validate our financial planning findings during a Financial Planning Workshop. <br />Financial Planning Workshop <br />Preliminary revenue requirement results as presented in workshop <br />handouts <br />Task 3. Stonnwoter Enterprise Funding Assessment <br />In Task 3 our team will assess the stormwater funding options available to the City and work with staff to evaluate <br />the best path forward given the availability of data, ease of implementation, and what is most appropriate given <br />the needs and characteristics of the City. <br />As previously discussed, there is no "obvious" solution for stormwater funding. Some approaches are easier to <br />implement but perhaps subject to legal challenges. Other approaches are legally robust but less certain to <br />succeed (such as passing a stormwater tax). Addressing stormwater funding for a city first requires an <br />assessment of the city's specific stormwater program and how it affects (and is affected by) other city services. In <br />some instances, innovative funding solutions (or partial solutions) can be found through 'but of the box" thinking. <br />Examples include arrangements with the street sweeping program to recognize the impact of street trash on total <br />maximum daily loads (TMDLs); water conservation fees that provide funding for reducing irrigated runoff; and Low <br />Impact Development (LID) ordinances fees for developments in which permeable surfaces are replaced with non - <br />permeable surfaces. <br />To this end, our team will develop a whitepaper that will address multiple feasible stormwater funding options, <br />which may include interfund transfers, property taxes; utility/user fees; special assessments; special taxes, and <br />development fees. <br />As part of this effort, our team will also research the stormwater funding mechanisms utilized by neighboring <br />communities and the rate structure utilized to fund their stormwater programs. <br />A draft Stormwater Funding White Paper will be submitted to the City for review and comment, then will be <br />finalized based on City input. <br />Conference calls, as needed <br />Draft and Final Stormwater Funding White Paper <br />it _!_ ,<nn,r, n i..r,;;rlii I ,,..1,-r.V liar, I Ic it <br />Following Task 3, the City will decide which stormwater funding strategy to pursue. Based on this decision, our <br />team will develop an implementation plan for executing the funding strategy. This implementation plan will <br />include a Road Map which will define the process that needs to be followed and milestone dates associated with <br />those steps. <br />Given the wide range of possibilities for the stormwater funding, the scope of work and budget for Task 4 will be <br />developed at a later time. For example, one funding approach may require a cost -of -service analysis and protest <br />hearing process, while another may require a tax initiative and vote campaign. <br />Task 4 Meetings & Deliverables I N N . - - <br />Pageal of 4 <br />