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Appropriation Adjustments to Carryover Unspent Amounts from FY18-19 to FYI 9-20 <br />September 17, 2019 <br />Page 2 <br />The City Council adopts a budget one year at a time, and the City's Charter requires City Council <br />approval for appropriation adjustments. Increasing the current year budget for unspent amounts <br />carried over from the prior year constitutes an appropriation adjustment. <br />A list of requested carryovers is attached to this report (Exhibit 1). The list includes the account, <br />description, amount, and expenditure status. All requests on the list were discussed with City <br />departments and vetted to ensure funds are available and the allocation is non -recurring. <br />Each request on the list includes the amount available one month after the end of FYI 8-19. Staff <br />will continue paying FYI 8-19 invoices through September, and will continue reconciling FY18-19 <br />accounts through October. The FY18-19 ledger will not be final and closed until the financial <br />statements have been audited in November. Therefore, the requested carryovers are "maximum" <br />amounts. The actual amounts processed for carryover will be limited to the available budget once <br />the FYI 8-19 ledger is closed (Exhibit 2). <br />Additionally, a list of projects has been attached (Exhibit 3) for unspent items in the AMES <br />(Addressing Maintenance Enhancing Services) Fund. The FYI 9-20 budget already includes an <br />allocation to re -budget unspent monies; however, that allocation was placed in "Reserve for <br />Appropriations" (Reserve). Staff requests an appropriation adjustment to move the unspent project <br />allocations from the "Reserve" account to the appropriate accounts for expenditure. <br />Unanticipated Revenue - FYI 8-19 Revenue and proposed reclassification/transfers <br />The FY18-19 books have not yet been closed and audited. However, actual receipts to date <br />indicate the General Fund will receive at least $4.0 million more revenue than budgeted for FYI 8- <br />19. Additional revenue includes but not limited to the following: $2.0 million of tax increment <br />distributed from the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (primarily related to interest savings <br />from the 2018 tax allocation bond refunding), $1.6 million of various planning and building fee <br />revenue(s), and $0.4 million from paramedic services charges (Exhibit 4). <br />Due to the public demand for service, at this time staff recommends conservatively appropriating <br />$4.0 million (Exhibit 4) of the additional revenue as follows: <br />Amount to Appropriate Program to be funded <br />• $2.0 million Roadway maintenance <br />• $1.0 million Additional youth spending set -aside in the Cannabis <br />Public Benefit Fund <br />• $1.0 million Quality of Life Team (QOLT) activities <br />Once the books are closed and audited, the City Council may review the General Fund balance to <br />determine if any additional amounts should be appropriated. <br />Each year, the City is required to spend General Fund money for roadway maintenance in order to <br />receive restricted revenue for street projects. In addition, there is public demand for various streets <br />to be immedidately repaired. Staff recommends reclassifying up to $2.5 million of FY18-19 <br />roadway expenditures from the Gas Tax Fund to the General Fund to ensure the City has met its <br />65A-2 <br />