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Appropriation Adjustments to Carryover Unspent Amounts from FY18-19 to FY19-20 <br />September 17, 2019 <br />Page 3 <br />spending obligation. In turn, the unused Gas Tax revenue will be available for high priority street <br />repair during FYI 9-20. With the $2.0 million appropriation requested above, the General Fund will <br />have sufficient budget to reclassify up to $2.5 million in Street Repair expenditures (Gas Tax — <br />Fund 029 and Select Street Construction — Fund 059 funds). <br />The City Council established a Cannabis Public Benefit Fund to spend one-third of adult -use and <br />commercial cannabis tax revenue on youth programs, and one-third on enforcement. Ordinance <br />No. NS-2959 requires contributions to the Public Benefit Fund beginning in FYI 9-20. To date, the <br />City has collected $4,615,664 of FY18-19 tax revenue for adult -use and related commercial <br />business activities, which was programmed for General Fund purposes. One-third of that tax <br />revenue is $1,538,555. The City Council may consider using a portion of the unexpected General <br />Fund revenue outlined above to make an additional FY 19-20 contribution of $1.0 million to the <br />Cannabis Public Benefit Fund, for youth spending. <br />There is a public desire for more efforts to address the impacts of homelessness. Staff <br />recommends appropriating $1.0 million from the unexpected revenue for FYI 9-20 QOLT efforts. <br />STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT <br />Approval of this item supports the City's effort to meet Goal #4 — City Financial Stability, Objective <br />#1 — Maintain a stable, efficient and transparent financial environment. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />Carryover Appropriation FY 2018-19 to FY 2019-20 <br />There is no net fiscal impact associated with this action related to carryover of unspent <br />appropriations. The previously authorized expenditures will simply be spent in a later period, which <br />only affects the timing of cash flow. <br />Appropriation Adjustment <br />Upon Council Approval, the following budgets will <br />20 (Exhibit 3 & 4): <br />FY 2018-19 <br />Fund / Department <br />• AMES — Fund 050 <br />Funding Source: <br />General Fund / Miscellaneous <br />Appropriate to: <br />• General Fund / Public Works Budget <br />• General Fund / Community Development <br />• General Fund / Public Works <br />be augmented during FY 2018-19 and FY 2019- <br />Amount Activity <br />$1.9 million re -appropriate budget <br />$4.0 million Available Revenue <br />$2.0 million Street Repair <br />$0.5 million Homeless - QOLT <br />$0.5 million Homeless - QOLT <br />65A-3 <br />