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September 17, 2019 <br />Dear Santa Ana City Council and Mayor <br />I, IZR%k SAeX M 2 , Santa Ana resident, am writing this letter in support of THRIVE Santa <br />Ana (THRIVE), our new community land trust (CLT) in Santa Ana, promoting development <br />based on local needs, local vision and participation of residents like me. Since its establishment, <br />THRIVE has worked towards a Santa Ana that includes and provides for all residents. <br />Over 250 communities in the United States are using the CLT model to make development <br />projects more equitable and sustainable. CLTs have effectively in strengthened the economy <br />throughout the US, especially in neighborhoods of need. During the recent foreclosure crisis, <br />CLTs outperformed other types of housing, with far fewer foreclosures and higher rates of <br />secure homeownership. As platforms for development, CLTs bring together residents, <br />developers, and City officials — something that is urgently needed throughout Santa Ana. <br />On May 1st, 2018, THRIVE entered into Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) with the City of <br />Santa Ana for its first piece of land - a'/ acre parcel at the corner of Walnut and Daisy streets in <br />central Santa Ana. Over nine neighborhood meetings and outreach events were held during <br />Spring and Summer of 2018 to hear from residents about local needs and ideas, and to <br />collaborate on the design of a community Micro -farm at Walnut and Daisy. This work has during <br />Summer 2019 through membership meetings and Movie Nights at the Walnut and Daisy lot. <br />THRIVE has submitted its site plan to the City of Santa Ana, working with the City's Planning <br />Department to meet zoning and building codes. THRIVE looks forward to finalizing a <br />Development and Disposition Agreement (DDA) with the City in October 2019. <br />As a local resident, I believe that the Walnut and Daisy Micro -Farm proposed by THRIVE should <br />be recognized as a public benefit project. This community business and gathering space will <br />benefit the local neighborhood with opportunities for physical activity, economic growth and <br />promoting healthy lifestyles. The project will in turn benefit the City as a whole, not only in direct <br />provision of services and community benefits (a cost -saving to the City), also in creating a <br />powerful example of resident -driven economic development. <br />I ask that you approve THRIVE Santa Ana's request for an extension of their Exclusive <br />Negotiation Agreement with the City for the Walnut and Daisy project. Further, I ask that <br />City Council give direction to City staff for THRIVE to receive credit for cost savings <br />brought to the City over time, and that the Walnut and Daisy parcel is transferred to <br />THRIVE in a lease -to -own arrangement. The importance of ownership in building community <br />wealth is now well understood and accepted. Take this opportunity to establish a framework for <br />real economic growth in Santa Ana, rooted in the local community. <br />Thank you. <br />Sincerely, <br />F'tig <br />Santa Ana "ident <br />-70 <br />