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TEMPLO <br />CALVARIO <br />community Development Corp. <br />— Sen1LVyomui%— <br />August 23, 2019 <br />Dear Santa Ana City Council and Mayor: <br />I, Rev. Lee De Leon, President/CEO of Templo Calvario CDC, am writing this letter in support of <br />THRIVE Santa Ana, the first community land trust (CLT) in Santa Ana, promoting development <br />based on local needs, local vision and participation. Over 250 cities and diverse communities in <br />the United States are using the CLT model to make development projects more equitable and <br />sustainable. We ask that you approve THRIVE Santa Ana's request for an extension of their <br />Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with the City for the Walnut and Daisy project. Further, we ask <br />that City Council give direction to City staff, that THRIVE receive credit for cost savings brought <br />to the City over time, and that the Walnut and Daisy parcel is transferred to THRIVE in a lease - <br />to -own arrangement. <br />With our past collaborations, Thrive has been able to bring a unique gathering space that has <br />benefit the local neighborhood with many opportunities for a sustainable future. We have <br />continued to collaborate with Thrive because we strongly believe in their vision and mission of <br />creating steps to form mutigenerational wealth. They are deeply committed to our communities <br />and truly seek to impact lives through their work, volunteerism and investments in the Walnut and <br />Daisy parcel. <br />CLTs have demonstrated effectiveness in strengthening the economy throughout the US, <br />especially in neighborhoods of need. During the foreclosure crisis, CLTs outperformed other <br />types of housing, with far fewer foreclosures and higher rates of secure homeownership. As <br />platforms for development, CLTs bring together residents, developers, and City officials — <br />something that is urgently needed throughout Santa Ana. <br />On May 1 st, 2018, THRIVE entered into Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) with the City of <br />Santa Ana for its first piece of land - a'/ acre parcel at the corner of Walnut and Daisy streets in <br />central Santa Ana. Over nine neighborhood meetings and outreach events during Spring and <br />Summer to hear from residents about local needs and ideas, and to collaboratively design a <br />community Micro -farm at Walnut and Daisy. On June 30th, THRIVE submitted its initial site plan <br />to the City of Santa Ana. Currently, THRIVE is continuously working with the City's Planning <br />Department to navigate zoning and building codes, and looks forward to finalizing a Development <br />and Disposition Agreement (DDA) with the City in October 2019. <br />The Walnut and Daisy Micro -Farm proposed by THRIVE should be recognized as a public benefit <br />project. This community -driven business and gathering space will benefit the local neighborhood <br />with opportunities for physical activity, economic growth and promoting healthy lifestyles. The <br />project will in turn benefit the City as a whole, not only in direct provision of services and <br />community benefits (a cost -saving to the City), also in creating a powerful example of resident - <br />driven economic development. <br />714-543-3711 AN 714-543-2399 Q. infibftcdcorg 0 nh tccdc (,% 0 2501 W. Sth Street, Santa Ana, CA 92703 <br />2 <br />