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cultural assets by developing a project that includes opportunities for physical activity, economic <br />growth and promoting healthy lifestyles. THRIVE's efforts involve building both local expertise <br />on issues but also a recognition of local knowledge and cultural experiences that residents can <br />build from. This is a beautiful example of resident -driven economic development. <br />Please approve THRIVE's request to extend the Exclusive Negotiation Agreement and direct <br />staff to work together with THRIVE to draft a DDA that leads to CLT ownership of the land. El <br />Centro pledges the support of our own organization to help facilitate development efforts on land <br />acquired by this CLT. Together, we can create sustainable economic development that benefits all <br />Santa Ana residents. <br />Sincerely, <br />Board of Directors <br />Centro Cultural de Mexico <br />"Cuando Is cultura muere, la gente muere..." <br />www.elcentroculturaldemexico'org. <br />