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VisibiUSy and expasum mwe cr bicaL.. <br />if yourreourr of s`ft.A you're curt of HIMH! <br />VISIBILITY <br />Visibility and exposure are critical. It it's out of sight, it's <br />out of mind. You may not want to build behind a service <br />station or another type of business. For example, you <br />do not see a McDonald's or a major gas station out of <br />view. Ideally. locate the building out in front and build it <br />parallel to the main street. <br />If dimensions require the tunnel to be built perpendicu- <br />lar to the street, try to get the building (entrance or exit} <br />close to the street for visibility - <br />TRAFFIC COUNTS <br />Traffic counts are something investors and developers <br />may put a lot of emphasis on. Even though we would <br />father have higher traffic counts than lower traffic <br />counts, this variable is not nearly as vital as demograph- <br />ics. Keep in mind traffic is coming and going — usually <br />heading to work or returning home — and many drivers <br />do not want to get off of the highway to get their cars <br />washed. <br />We have seen car washes with extremely high traffic <br />counts not performing the required volume because <br />they did not have the population- On the other hand, we <br />have also witnessed lower traffic counts with sufficient <br />population performing high -volume counts - <br />Sometimes, real estate brokers and parties selling their <br />products/services will put importance only on high traf- <br />fic counts and do not have the experience or know how <br />to advise if a property should really be considered. <br />TRAFFIC SPEED <br />Traffic speed is important. For Instance, if the traffic is <br />going 50 mrles per hour or more, drivers are usually <br />going too fast to view the facility or to ever) want to turn <br />in. It is also difficult for vehicles to exit the property into <br />fast-moving traffic. Try to shoot for speed limits less <br />than 45 MPH - <br />THE COMMUNITY - TRAFFIC PATTERNS <br />Adjacent surroundings and communities are also note- <br />worthy considerations. You should drive around and <br />observe the businesses, shopping centers, strip malls, <br />office buildings and residential areas. <br />Bear in mind if the property is in an industrial area, you <br />may only be privileged to the existing traffic on week - <br />clays. On weekends, when you project your highest vol. <br />ume, streets could be bare and empty of any vehicles. <br />When driving around the residential areas, you want to <br />view the housing, apartments versus homes, and the <br />types of vehicles parked on the streets. Is the neighbor- <br />hood deteriorating? Are vehicles so dirty you cannot <br />clearly see their color? Will the neighborhood be willing <br />and able to patronize a car wash regardless of price? <br />TRADE BARRIERS <br />Within a 3 mile radius, there may be traffic patterns or <br />"trade barriers" that divide a proposed location and the <br />competition, even though the locations are geographi- <br />cally close to each other. Typical trade barriers may be <br />divided highways, one way roads, rivers, neighborhoods, <br />traffic patterns that favor one shopping, center over <br />another. <br />ENTRANCE AND EXIT POINTS <br />The ingress/egress, which Is the entrance/ exit for the <br />property, has to contribute to producing high volume. Is <br />there a center median where vehicles have to go to the <br />next Intersection and make a U-turn? This will reduce <br />the amount of customers who will consider patronizing <br />your business. <br />Is the property on a service road where the vehicle has <br />to leave the main street to enter a service road and then <br />repeat the process getting back on the main street? All <br />of this should be taken into consideration in analyzing <br />the ingress/egress. You want It to be as easy as possible <br />to get on and off your site. <br />NEARBY RETAIL AREA <br />Business breeds business. If you are near other retail <br />businesses, then there are additional draws to the area. <br />Try to find an area that has fast food and retail shopping. <br />For example, a successful strategy has been to harness <br />the destination draw from Big Box retail stores and lo- <br />cate a car wash on one of their out -lots. <br />NEARBY COMPETITION <br />Competing car washes in a three mile radius must be <br />seriously considered as threat or deterrent to your <br />proposed site. visit all of the local washes that are not <br />service stations or self serve washes in your 3 mile radi- <br />us and assess them as a competitor. <br />If your plan is to build an express exterior wash, can <br />existing full -serves have the possibility of converting to <br />an express or flex -serve? Are there already express loca- <br />dons within the marketing area? <br />AMIL <br />o [ppynght 2at6 ci.)adV,ew Mem3, Rrannitd wR11 permiswin from Frafmilomai UarwLrAkV i Vemof * Marge in <br />75A-44 <br />