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payment of the required park fees, the Project's impact would not be cumulatively considerable, and <br />cumulative impacts related to park and recreation facilities would be less than significant. <br />For these reasons detailed in the DEIR, the Project's cumulative effects relating to parks and recreation <br />would not be cumulatively considerable when considered with past, current, and future probable projects. <br />(DEIR, pp. 4.10-14.) This conclusion also applies, for the same reasons, to the Modified Project. <br />9.17.13 Transportation and Traffic <br />As detailed in DEIR Section 4.11, Transportation and Traffic, the proposed Project would not result in <br />impacts in the cumulative 2020 and 2040 conditions pursuant to the Caltrans, City of Santa Ana, and City <br />or Orange thresholds and methodology. (DEIR, pp. 4.11-10 and 4.11-11.) As detailed in DEIR Tables <br />4.11-9 through 4.11-36, the proposed Project would not conflict with or result in an exceedance of a <br />threshold by any of the following: the Orange County Congestion Management Program, Caltrans <br />Measures of Effectiveness, City of Santa Ana General Plan Circulation Element, and the City of Orange <br />General Plan Circulation Element. In addition, the Traffic Impact Analysis details that the capacities of <br />the Park Santiago neighborhood intersections and roadways are substantially higher than the daily trip <br />generation of the proposed Project. As such, cumulative impacts related to neighborhood traffic would be <br />less than cumulatively significant. Also, the DEIR details that Project access locations and circulation <br />around the Project site would be adequate, and cumulative impacts related to queuing would be less than <br />cumulatively considerable. For these reasons detailed in the DEIR, the Project's cumulative effects <br />relating to transportation and traffic would not be cumulatively considerable when considered with past, <br />current, and future probable projects. (DEIR, pp. 4.11-41.) This conclusion also applies, for the same <br />reasons, to the Modified Project. <br />9.17.14 Utilities and Service Systems <br />Water <br />The Project would install new water lines to serve the proposed buildings and connect to the existing <br />system that is adjacent to the Project site. The water system has been designed the proposed Project and <br />would be served by existing infrastructure. Thus, the proposed Project would not result in the requirement <br />for new or expanded off -site water infrastructure that could combine with other water infrastructure needs <br />to result in an environmental impact. Thus, potential cumulative impacts from off -site water system <br />expansions would not occur from the proposed Project. <br />The Water Supply Assessment (WSA) that was prepared for the Project describes that the 2015 MWD <br />UWMP details the ability to meet the demands of its member agencies, including the City of Santa Ana, <br />through 2040. In addition, the City of Santa Ana 2015 UWMP confirmed the ability of the local supplies <br />and the OC Basin to meet the growing demands of the City in multiple climate scenarios. Also, as <br />described previously the increased water demand from the proposed Project would be between 2.7 and <br />4.3 percent of the 2015 UWMP anticipated increase. Thus, the City would have water supplies available <br />to serve the Project from existing entitlements, and cumulative water supply needs would be able to be <br />met as detailed by the MWD and City's UWMPs. As a result, the proposed Project would not result in a <br />cumulatively considerable increase in water supply demands that would require new or expanded <br />entitlements. <br />Resolution No. Page 63 of 76 <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br />