This alternative would also require the same types of construction activities and related mitigation
<br />measures as the proposed Project. Therefore, although the Reduced Project Alternative would be lower in
<br />height, scale, and mass, generate fewer greenhouse gas and air quality emissions, require fewer services,
<br />result in less traffic trips, and create a large open space area on the eastern portion of the Project site, it
<br />would not reduce the need for mitigation or the level of impact significance compared to the Project.
<br />Finding: The Reduced Project Alternative would reduce impacts in comparison to the proposed Project;
<br />however, the alternative would not reduce significant unavoidable aesthetic impacts to a less than
<br />significant level and would continue to require the same mitigation measures that would be implemented
<br />for the Project. Therefore, the City hereby rejects the Reduced Project Alternative. (DEIR, p. 6-18.)
<br />Alternative 3: Build Out of the Existing Zoning Alternative
<br />Description: Under this alternative described in further detail in the DEIR (DEIR, pp. 6-18 through 6-
<br />24), the Project site would be redeveloped for new professional office uses as allowed bythe City's Zoning
<br />Code Sections 41-312 through 41-323. The Project site has a Zoning designation of P (Professional),
<br />which allows buildings up to 3-stories or 35-feet in height. The building setbacks required in the P zone
<br />include a 15-foot setback from the front and side property lines, and a 50-foot rear setback when the site
<br />backs to residential areas. The maximum office building structure that could be developed under the
<br />existing zoning code requirements would be 3-stories high and 387,465 square feet (floor area ratio of
<br />1.5), which would require 1,161 parking spaces (per the P zone requirement of 3 spaces per 1,000 square
<br />feet). The office building would be surrounded by drought tolerant ornamental landscaping.
<br />Under this alternative, the existing onsite development would be demolished, removed, and replaced to
<br />provide a new building structure that would be developed pursuant to current building requirements, such
<br />as energy efficient power systems, drought tolerant landscaping, storm water filtration, and other Low
<br />Impact Development (LID) requirements. This alternative would be consistent with the existing land use
<br />designation, which is PAO (Professional and Administrative Office) and P zoning designation. (DEIR, p.
<br />6-18.)
<br />Environmental Effects: The Build Out of the Existing Zoning Alternative would result in a lower
<br />building height than the Project, and a 10-foot larger setback from the eastern boundary of the site; but
<br />would be 4.77 times larger than the existing 81,172 square foot 2-story building, and like the Project, this
<br />alternative would substantially change the scale, height, and setbacks in comparison to existing views of
<br />the Project site, which would result in a significant impact pursuant to the City's aesthetics criteria.
<br />Furthermore, the character of the office building under this alternative would be less visually consistent
<br />with the adjacent single-family residential than the proposed multi -family residential. (DEIR, p. 6-23.)
<br />The Build Out Under the Existing Zoning Alternative would result in approximately 1,275 employees at
<br />full capacity and generate approximately 3,774 vehicle trips per day, which is 40 percent more daily trips
<br />than the proposed Project. As a result, impacts to air quality, greenhouse gas, traffic noise, and traffic
<br />congestion would be increased in comparison to the Project. Similarly, construction of this alternative
<br />would require the same construction related mitigation measures that are required for the Project. Overall,
<br />the Build Out Under the Existing Zoning Alternative would result in greater impacts than the Project.
<br />(DEIR, p. 6-23.)
<br />Ability to Achieve Project Objectives: The Build Out of the Existing Zoning Alternative would not meet
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<br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR
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