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2019-107 - Proposed Addington Multi-Family Residential Project
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2019-107 - Proposed Addington Multi-Family Residential Project
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Finding: The No Project/No Build Alternative would avoid the significant and unavoidable aesthetic <br />impacts and would avoid the need for mitigation to ensure impacts to various environmental resources <br />would not occur. Additionally, this alternative would not require a General Plan amendment or zone <br />change. However, the No Project/No Build Alternative would not achieve the Project objectives and the <br />environmental benefits of the Project would not be realized. Therefore, the City hereby rejects the No <br />Project/No Build Alternative. <br />Alternative 2: Reduced Project Alternative <br />Description: Under this alternative, described in further detail in the DEIR (DEIR, p. 6-12), a 30 percent <br />reduction in the number of residential units would be built, which would result in increased setbacks and <br />reduced building heights. Like the Project, 77 percent of the units would be studio or one -bedroom units, <br />18 percent would be 2-bedroom units, and 6 percent would be 3-bedroom units. This alternative would <br />develop and operate 347 multi -family residential units on the 5.9-acre site, which would result in 59 <br />dwelling units per acre, which is a 149-unit (and 25 unit per acre) reduction compared to the Project. <br />Reducing these units from the Project would eliminate 51 units along the eastern portion of the Project <br />site to provide a 90-foot building setback from the eastern boundary of the site; and the 5th floor residential <br />units along the eastern side would be eliminated to provide a maximum of 4-stories adjacent to the 90- <br />foot setback. Under the Reduced Project Alternative, the development would be 3-stories in height along <br />Santiago Park and Edgewood Road, and would be 5 stories in height along N, Main Street and adjacent <br />to the parking structure. <br />To support the 347 multi -family residential units under this alternative 625 parking spaces (an average of <br />1.8 spaces per unit consistent with the Project) would be provided within a 6-level parking structure, that <br />would have 5 levels above ground and one level underground. Like the Project, the residential units would <br />be wrapped around the parking structure. <br />Under the Reduced Project Alternative, the Wellness Room and Community Rooms would not be <br />developed (as they are planned to be located within the 90-foot setback) and the recreation amenities <br />would also be reduced by 30 percent. Thus, approximately 4,870 of indoor recreation facilities would be <br />provided by this alternative. However, the 90-foot setback would create a large open space area <br />(approximately 54,000 square feet) along the eastern side of the Project site that could be used for open <br />space recreation. <br />Like the Project, this alternative would require a General Plan Amendment from the existing land use <br />designation of PAO (Professional and Administrative Office) to District Center (DC), and a Zone change <br />from P (Professional) to a Specific Development (SD) designation. <br />Environmental Effects: As further discussed in the DEIR (DEIR, pp. 6-12 through 6-17), the Reduced <br />Project Alternative would result in a 90-foot building setback from the eastern boundary of the site <br />resulting in an open space area that could be used for recreation. In addition, views of the Project site <br />would be visually less dense and structure heights would be lower from several viewpoints. Also, the <br />shade and shadow generated from the Reduced Project Alternative would be less than the Project and <br />would extend into fewer off -site areas. However, the same mitigation to protect the trees to remain onsite <br />would be necessary to ensure views of the Project site are screened, and (although less) this alternative <br />would also result in a substantial difference in scale, height, and property setbacks in comparison to the <br />existing views of the site that is considered significant pursuant to the City's aesthetics criteria. Thus, this <br />Alternative does not eliminate a significant and unavoidable impact. <br />Resolution No. Page 70 of 76 <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br />
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