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Salas, Diana <br />From: <br />Tim Johnson <> <br />Sent: <br />Tuesday, December 17, 2019 10:27 AM <br />To: <br />eComment <br />Cc: <br />Pulido, Miguel; Sarmiento, Vicente; Penaloza, David; Iglesias, Cecilia; Solorio, Jose; <br />Bacerra, Phil; Villegas, Juan; Ridge, Kristine <br />Subject: <br />Item 1A- Cross Complaint (Cross Complaint) <br />Attachments: <br />232- SA ANA Orange Tustin Stip to extend response date to SA Suit dtd 5..... pdf; 246- <br />SA ANA Orange Tustin Stip to extend response date to SA Suit dtd 7..... pdf; 158- Santa <br />Ana Cross Complaint suing other OC Cities dtd 4.26.18.pdf; 7 OC City Amicus Brief to <br />SCOTUS on Martin v Boise.pdf <br />Mayor, City Council, and CM Ridge ... Thank you for including the city's cross complaint in the Catholic Worker case on <br />tonight's closed session (item 1A). With Monday's recent Supreme Court's decision to not hear the Martin vs. Boise <br />appeal, this item will take even more importance now. As our city works towards steps that will allow our PD to enforce <br />our ordinances, other cities will also be making determinations on how they will proceed -their decisions will have major <br />impacts on our city I believe. I am concerned about what I believe is a major foreshadowing by the 7 South County cities <br />that joined together in an amicus brief in the Boise case. One of the questions that they asked the court was whether a <br />city could purchase a building in another city and operate an emergency shelter in that city, outside of their own <br />boundaries, and satisfy the Martin requirement to have available shelter beds in order to enforce certain laws. See <br />attached for the amicus brief where the pertinent item here is on page 6 of the brief which is on page 10 of the adobe <br />file. I personally believe that South County cities will likely in the near future try to operate a shelter in another city, <br />such as Santa Ana. Let that sink in for a minute ... San Clemente, Dana Point, Laguna, San Juan, Newport, Lake Forest, <br />Mission Viejo etc... could purchase or rent a building in Santa Ana, provide transportation from their local city, and send <br />their homeless to their own city operated shelter here in Santa Ana (or another city). When taken in consideration with <br />San Clemente and a couple other South County cities have indicating that they will transport their homeless to the <br />Armory here in Santa Ana, I believe that them operating a facility outside of their boundaries being a distinct and real <br />possibility. They essentially have foreshadowed their line of thinking in the amicus brief. Please consider being pro- <br />active in this matter. It will likely need to be a legal strategy and I urge you to get on top of it now and not wait to be <br />reactive. <br />Again, I feel that South County cities will look at operating a shelter outside of their own boundaries... the cities likely will <br />work together. That means that it is very possible that they will look to operate that shelter, possibly together as a joint <br />venture of cities, here in Santa Ana. That may be good for the homeless individuals, which I am concerned for, but we <br />also need to be concerned for our own residents. <br />I also urge you to work with the county on this topic. As you know, the county is working on Yale. Many residents are <br />concerned. The county needs to show that they are not just dumping on us here in our city. Some of their own policies <br />contribute to relocation of homeless to our city of Santa Ana. Some of these policies include: 1) Release from county jail <br />onto the streets of Santa Ana without ensuring that the person is transported directly back to their city of origin, 2) <br />County not returning jail released folks' items stored at the county's yard at the same time that they are released <br />making it more likely the individual will be here on our streets, 3) The county allowing other cities to transport to the <br />Santa Ana Armory, 4) The county only providing transportation from the Santa Ana Armory to 2 locations here in Santa <br />Ana and not to other cities even in the Central SPA- this means that even if someone comes to the Armory from Seal <br />Beach, they will spend the day in Santa Ana. Please work with the county to lessen the impact on our city through their <br />own policies and procedures. <br />As I have suggested in the past, I believe that the council is not staying true to what it voted on in April of 2018 when it <br />chose, after public discussion, to sue the other cities in Orange County, and the county itself, over the impact of <br />